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RE: Ultrasound of my new baby 🤗

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

You got me! "Ultrasound of my new baby" - I'm thinking, whoa, he's fathered a child!
Well, a book-child.
I'm still smitten with the image of an old, sagging body cast aside and slung over the sturdy shoulders of the spirit who journeys into the next realm without the baggage of that body holding him back, binding him to this world. How I long to appropriate this for my sister, who did not die a peaceful death the way people do in movies, but with eyes wide open in horror (her daughter told us). WHY. Why not the peaceful passage. Dying should be like passing from one room to another, I heard on the radio the month Lori died. Does it mean Lori was not "right with God" or just that she couldn't bear to leave everything behind, everything, even her most beloved only child -

And I've been looking for a good place to share/save this wonderful line you quoted on Twitter, because I think of Lori, who for 27 years walked with my marrow in her bones:

@YahiaLababidi Oct 17

"God guard me from those thoughts men think
In the mind alone;
He that sings a lasting song
Thinks in a marrow-bone"

—W.B. Yeats

Where do I save this, for when I want to revisit it... I need to keep a special file folder with lots of index tabs to help me retrieve the wonderous words and wisdom of the poets!


Aye, I'm sorry for Lori's suffering... and believe that just as she's with you, you are also with her (and she can hear all you say/feel). Sending you and your dear sister Love and wishing you both Liberation..

Stealing your emoji as I somehow cannot call them up here, myself...