Memoir Monday No 21 What have been some of the biggest surprises in your life?

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

Walking attentively through life shows us different elements that can amaze us, some everyday, others extraordinary. On this occasion, @ericvancewalton in Memoir Monday 21, asks us:
What have been some of the biggest surprises in your life?

Thinking about this initiative I remembered my grandmother, when on one occasion I saw her sitting watching her great-grandchildren play, and suddenly she said: "it seems unbelievable, that from a little bunch." The tiller is the birth of a set of plants from which others can emerge.

The same thing has happened to me, I still don't have great-grandchildren, but I do have seven grandchildren, who run around the yard with excitement and I think that a family has emerged from a decision I made, if I had said "no", or had dedicated myself only to study, my present would be different, but I said "yes" and that decision made 45 years ago, gave rise to this family.

It surprises me how the population has grown, I see many people going from one place to another, on foot, by motorcycle, by vehicle and I am surprised how there is so much agricultural production to satisfy so much demand. The cultivated land is fertile and does not run out, how grateful I must be to recognize it.

I am also surprised to have been born in a time so full of experiences. My ancestors and my great-great-grandchildren did not and will not see the turn of the century and millennium as I experienced it.


Tell the young people that I stood in line to talk on the phone, paying with coins or cards and that it was stressful to run out of credit to complete a message, that there were some booths or devices, which are still attached to the wall, and that now we have a device in our hands, which makes it easier for us to exchange with people from all over the planet, is amazing.

I was an IBM typing and drilling teacher in my youth, and the changes that have occurred, so rapid, show the obsolescence of that practice. I am surprised by the skills of today's children regarding technology; when I can't solve something, one of my grandchildren tells me how to do it.

It is also surprising the changes that societies have assumed and that society coexists with them, seen as normal. One of them is the way of listening to music, as well as the lyrics of some genres that go against morality, as if there was an interest in malforming society against what formal or home education does.

I am very surprised that in the face of so much technological advance, extracting a tooth is still such an overwhelming and painful procedure, and that women have to go through examinations to detect diseases as unpleasant as mammography, for example.

I am also pleasantly surprised by the changes that have taken place in defense of animals, in my house the dogs walked through the yards, the big ones were tied up, and they were used for care. Yesterday I was surprised by my daughter's pet, who has become very attached to me. I hugged and kissed my other daughter, and the dog growled jealously, I had to pick him up and hug him too. These things that have changed in life are really beautiful.

Thank you for your kind reading.

My content is original.
I have used Google translator.
Own images, the one from the phone, taken for this post.


So much has changed during our lifetimes hasn't it? With the coming AI revolution those who survive through to this next decade will experience more technological advancement that any human ever has. It's difficult to even imagine what the world will be like after that. Thanks for your participation in #memoirmonday!

It is unimaginable how human life can change with AI, anything we assume will remain only speculations, but even so, we must assume and try to put order where possible. For example, at Hive I see how they are trying to profit from the use of AI, terrible when it is plagiarized, but beneficial when we can translate in seconds, everything is relative.

Thank you.