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RE: Austrian Coffe Shop Thoughts

in Silver Bloggers8 months ago

The experience of going with friends for coffee and catching up is one of the great pleasures in life, right? Here, although lately there has been a proliferation of fancy coffee shops, there are still some coffee shops where you can chat with the barista or the girl who serves you coffee. Those are without a doubt my favorites.

I would love to visit Austria if coffee is a thing there.

I hope you can do the creative co-working meetup soon. Maybe I should check it;)

PS: And I'm glad you posted in SB 😄


Oh yes coffee is a big thing in Austria with old tradition. So many varieties.
Hehe yes, @tengolotodo was already complaining the dear SB have been my 3rd choice 🙈😘

Dear @coquicoin, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @beeber.

Me complaining or merely pointing out facts ... hehe good morning wee B!

But what matters is that we were the choice in the end, hehe :)
Good morning, Beeber! Have a great day ☀️


Dear @beeber, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @coquicoin.