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RE: Silver Prompt - Searching for my Roots

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

My uncle has made a little diary with everything he has found and my cousin knows where he has it.

I don't like people throwing away old photos, I have a box full of photos that were my grandmother's. I have photos of her as a baby and with her sisters. The pictures are a treasure.

Most of the people here have Spanish roots, but there are also a lot of Italian and Portuguese descendants. By the way, I'm sure you know this page, but in case you don't. Here you can find birth and marriage certificates

 2 years ago  

Thanks Eli, that is one of the sites I've been looking at as well. It's quite amazing when one starts searching!
Sadly some people don't have such respect for all the old photos. My uncle had quite a collection as well and put them in a beautiful album.
Have a great Tuesday🤗

Yes, when you start it becomes an addiction, hehe. My husband started using that site to search for old family documents of my mother-in-law.
I hope you had a good Tuesday. And have a lovely night 🤗