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RE: Travel Back

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

She's Jules to me. hehehe

though sometimes I do call her Julia. but she's my Jules :) or my Jewels. hehehe

same same. I loved delving into this memory with you. it was viewed from a safe distance, knowing that my Jules had already grown up into a gorgeous woman who is equally capable AND fun - so... knowing that it already had a happy ending.

and thoroughly enjoying going into those earlier memories of how my Jules was formed. what shaped her. how her mind worked. what she enjoyed. how she viewed things.

I just finished Sam's speekpeece post and it was similar! hehehe i mean - not at all similar. but so similar (you know?) and just thinking that we are all on this journey of making peace inside of ourselves. scooping up the little bits and fragments that have been left all along the way... all these little clues that unravel the mystery and tell us "it was Colonel Mustard in the library with the pipe!" .... so nice and neat and so we can say "ahaaaaa! that's whodunnit!"

and then we can go on our merry way. hehehe

i like brown paper packages tied up with string. It's all very neat and orderly and manageable. I like resolving issues. but most of all, I love when I can not only lay them all in the rows of my mind, but appreciate even the "bad" boxes amongst the good and then relay it all to others, in the hopes that they can maybe find little detours to take to avoid my bads, and only enjoy the goods.

and... i found lots of that in your post. lots of signposts for those looking. lots of whispers for those who have keen hearing. lots of little shiny nuggets of gold.

lots of shades of Jules. ❤️


There's a lot of that whispering going on at the moment. Chinese whispers that are being shared where WE understand the MESSAGE so clearly.

I went and read Sam's post, and could see what you meant. Different but the same. The same but different.

This #speekpeece challenge has been so very challenging, but also so needed. It's funny how, even though I didn't work on it fully, the impact hit nonetheless. That seismic shift's ripples are going to be felt for a long while yet.

Thank you for being you. Keep leading with courage and conviction. Because it matters. 💛