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RE: Words Heard

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

I always do, enjoy my day. Being busy is a way of life and it just gets built into the day. Can you believe it is rainy today? The coolness of the day is unusual for this time of year, especially being on the heels of a scorching hot weekend.

If I didn't multitask,, my day would never get accomplished! I like being busy, but not overwhelmed. I am glad you got time to post! I missed my opportunity last night, just too brain dead and still busy, but today is a different day.

Oh! Do I see the sun coming out?

No! What a tease that was!

 2 years ago  

Hahaha you made me laugh there… what a tease that was ☀️ Who knows in some moments…

Great to hear Denise. It is indeed a way of life. I wouldn’t want it any other way. 😁
Very unusual right after such a weekend. Enjoy the coolness, must be a slight relieve. Here it only get warmer and warmer now. Very unlikely for rain. But we did have a wet April and beginning of the months, so I will never say never. 😉

Love multitasking, I do get a lot accomplished that way. My hubby can’t. He needs to focus on one thing. But that is fine too 😁

Thank you kindly 😊 hope you can post today.