
I would really like to revive FFF one day but I have just a tad too much going one… weird right? Lol

I saw in a comment the Big Guy had surgery… 😳😳 I thought he was invincible!! How is he doing?

 2 years ago  

Hey there friend, Bob is doing great, slow and steady, he has the best nurse and the best cook in town, so why wouldn't he be doing excellent!😁😁
All kidding aside, he still has a ways to go but I have confidence he will conquer this like he does all things. He's bull headed and tough, just needs to be patient.
Thanks for asking. I keep pushing him to get back to posting, but sitting in the chair for too long takes it's toll. Hopefully within a few more weeks he will be as good as new.

Hope you and yours are well.

He had his hip replaced? Is that right?? Well let me tell you back in the day my cousin was living in the basement of my grandparents house and my Grandpa just had his second hip replacement… she could here scrambling around upstairs and my grandma saying “Knock it if you pervert”. True story… he was chasing her around the house… a bit disturbing but too funny!!!

Big Bad Bob will be up and running in no time, so you better keep your distance. LOL

God Bless you both and your amazing family!!

 2 years ago  

He's already showing signs for full recovery😁

You know what they say "you can't keep a good man down".

Great story LOL!