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RE: Turning Forty Seven

in Silver Bloggerslast year

Happy Birthday Milly! Oh my gosh, this post made me GRIN. Your lunch looks delicious, and I can’t imagine anything more perfect for a day of celebration than being outside all day/ good food/ a nice red wine! I love the photos you took too, ur totally glowing!

I’m 31 and I feel like if anything my “shelf life” just started, to answer your question. I thought I knew everything before 30, I didn’t know much. I think knowledge and self confidence are the sexiest/ coolest traits in a woman (to those who know what to appreciate) and it’s hard to fully have those early on… so yea, 100% optimistic on aging here!

Cheers to you and huge hugs 💚


Knowledge and self-confidence are the sexiest/ coolest traits in a woman

I look back at some past experiences and think how much better I could have dealt with them with the confidence that I now have.
Being 31 is a great age, and you might find yourself questioning everything and feeling like you "knew nothing" before. If you do, remember that it's an amazing thing. It only means that you are gaining wisdom, and don't be afraid or deterred my any mistakes. Life is a continuous learning process.

Thank you for your lovely wishes 💚