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RE: Defcon levels, Monkey Bread and Conversations with my Cat

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Your monkey bread looks divine, I just love your beautiful collage! When I first heard the name, I was also horrified! However, I've always made mine with a scone dough (I think you would call it biscuit dough??) But now am keen to use pucker bread dough, but we roll it in cinnamon sugar & pour melted butter on top before baking, so it's slightly different.
Smudge looks like she's saying 'stop worrying me!' Gorgeous queen you have there😉
Broccoli straight from the garden & stir fried with garlic sounds really yum and healthy too! Guess how I'll be cooking young brocolli next time, but it will be from the green grocer, not my garden😒
Thank you for the inspiration & the shout-out!
Have a great Friday @cosmictriage!