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RE: It's Not You, It's Me

in Silver Bloggerslast year

Hi Nicky,
You have sooo much in that brilliant mind of yours, I simply cannot keep up, but WOW, you have said it all!
About being a Mammy, I never was the broody type until I had my first babe. It was a light bulb moment and the world suddenly changed.
We go through so many phases throughout life, I've loved each one, menopause, not bad except those darned hot flushes.
Then I saw last week on my medical aid statement that my hrt will only be covered under chronic benefits till end May. When I called the consultant tells me menopause benefits stop at 70!!!! What phase am I going in then...with hot flushes still as hot as hell???
The doctor has to motivate it I'm told!
Can you tell me what period follows after my 70th in May?
Geriatric or what?
Us woman are much stronger than a man, can you imagine them coping with our issues?
I can't for sure!!


To clarify I meant engagement on mainstream media because look at how Hive engages with awkward topics! :D

It's why I'm here to stay!

Also... if we want to heal society we gotta heal ourselves so we don't pass all this stuff on! Please the gods now...