 last year  

hehehe i've heard about what you're doing!!!

from @samsmith1971

and i actually had done something really fun back on Steemit - where I used the @dreemsavingsfund account to have a bunch of us saving up and using the account to give out bigger upvotes while we waited - and then at a certain point we all powered down - and distributed

it was awesome and it just so happened that RIGHT when we powered down - steem soared when it was all liquid - and we had all this savings to take out and use at $1 per steem - it was AWESOME! hahahaha

the reason why I didn't join in your new initiative (just yet - still considering) is because I was spread SO stinking thin.. and still am hahaha

and I didn't want to commit to being in a group where I wasn't really present so much. I hate that. if i'm there - i like to be ALL there. hehehe

but - things are changing up for me over this next season - so who knows.. maybe i'll come join - not sure - but thank you for checking in with me hehehehe