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RE: Thanks to everyone who helps the Feathered Friends Community grow!

thanks to you. i had no idea there were 4 different keys. i am 100% sure they were never shown to me since i joined ecency in december 2020. i would guess there are many users unaware of them.

There is a Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) on the default front-end/interface (HIVE.BLOG) to the Hive blockchain that all users should read when they join. In fact, once upon a time, it was linked in big, bold letters on the screen right after someone signed-up and was hard to miss! Now, with all the other front-ends available (ECENCY, PEAKD, DAPPLR, LEOFINANCE, TRAVELFEED, and several others), I don't see it linked as often. But, it explains all the keys and many other things that are helpful to know! I would love to see all front-ends directing people to read that page! 👉