Let's talk about technical issues first. I own a camera that is already quite old and that at any moment is going to ‘sing’... it won't do it exactly like the Candelita (American redstart) that seems to give little kisses when it sings, I still think they are little kisses, of those tender ones, that almost don't sound. When my Panasonic Lumix G10 ‘sings’ it will do it silently and it will stay in the dark. Poor thing... I thank him for all the time he has been in my life, since 2008 and because through our understanding I think I have advanced a little in photography.
This morning I greeted the sun in my backyard, as I do every day, but there was a moment when I put my coffee aside to pay attention to this beautiful bird that I told you is known as Candelita. She came to say hello too.
His behaviour is strange, he seems to suffer from a certain nervousness. It goes from one branch to another, and it moves without stopping, to the point that I thought it would not give me a chance to enter the house, look for the camera and introduce the right values to be able to take a portrait of it. As you can see, it's a lot of steps to do and probably when I returned with the old Panasonic, this restless bird would already be far away from the Guanábana (soursop) tree.
I told you that I was going to address, first of all, technical issues. As the day is cloudy and the sun only comes out occasionally and spends most of the time hidden behind the clouds, the light is not intense in my backyard. Add to that the fact that the trees are lush and provide a lot of shade. So taking a portrait of a fast moving bird is a difficult task when you can't and shouldn't turn up the ISO of the camera to more than 400. Even at 800 it gives a noise that I don't like at all. I have a 45-200 zoom lens with a maximum aperture of 4.0 and when you zoom in you can't go below 5.6. So this adds more complication to the photo, because there, at 5.6, it allowed me to take the photo with 1/200 s speed, which is not so suitable to freeze the movements of this little bird, I repeat, very restless. Even so, I managed to get these two photos... raising the speed a bit would take light away from the scene and then in editing I would have to solve it... there are many technical things that perhaps those who are not photographers would not understand. Beyond these issues of aperture, speed and ISO, there is the focus, which the camera is having trouble focusing. Add to that the fact that the Guanábana tree has a lot of leaves and branches that get in the way. In short... the scenario for photographing Candelita is complex and extreme.
Oooops... it flew! 😀
Thank you Universe that still remained there in the tree flying from one branch to another, not standing still for a second, madre del amor hermoso! 😂
It is a scrubland bird, measuring 11 to 14 cm (4.3 to 5.5 inches) in total length and has a wingspan of 16 to 23 cm (6.3 to 9.1 inches). I have done some research on a few sites and it also says that it weighs slightly less in winter than in summer. I guess it does not find the same amount of food at this time of year, as it feeds on insects such as caterpillars, moths, flies, flies, leafhoppers, small wasps, beetles, aphids and spiders.
This Candelita looks very fit. 😄
It seems that the bird also consumes berries and seeds, but it knows about diets. Some things are fattening, such as oatmeal. This has nothing to do with anything here, but I saw it yesterday on an Instagram reel. I need to eat oatmeal.
If you look closely at that picture above she was shaking her little head, I don't know how I managed to take a decent picture of her with this camera which offers so few possibilities for bird photography.
Talking about looking closely... well, you see, not even to look closely, it doesn't stand quietly on a branch. By the way, what would it be looking at?
I imagine it was thinking about what that long black thing was that I had in my eyes pointing at. Candelita does not understand my behaviour, nor do I understand hers or his. 🤣
I didn't want to keep stalking portraying the cute little bird and I took one more picture and kept myself, along with my camera.
Anyway, she or he was leaving.
🤔 And I really don't know if this warbler was female or male. I think it was a male, now looking at this Wikipedia page.
Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2025.
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😀 Thank you! Birds and kisses, how cool!
How beautiful Candelita!!!! The birds that have bright and strong colours are males in order to attract females and normally the females have colours like brown, grey... poor things but that's how it is....
I don't know anything but nothing about technical matters but soon I will learn... suspense... suspense hahaha but that bird is beautiful, I know that and your photos as well. Now if... to sleep... I stayed up late doing things around the house... you know....😴
😘 You will learn. The world of photography is beautiful. A better camera would offer more comfort and a better definition of the image, higher resolution too, plus give me the possibility to try other things in those poorly lit conditions, like capturing it's flight, not like that as I did, but with less movement, but it's not about the camera really but about what's a few millimetres away from the viewfinder. ;) Me.
Photographers didn't always have cameras like we know that exist today and they never stopped doing their job. There are photographers, masters of photography, who achieved spectacular images that are still iconic, even with cameras of lesser quality than mine. So...
Entonces no hizo falta la valeriana, te cansaste y seguro te dormiste rápido.
Absolutely true ... I still need to learn hahaha
No, I don't need valerian, at least not now haha
Thank you very much for your support @hivepakistan. ✨
This is a beautiful fast-moving Candelita!
Amazing, but you made her/him nervous by your camera 😆, probably she is shy girl - she doesn't want to be in the magazine 😉. You captured it gracefully, although you were having many technical issues. That's why you are a good photographer who captured the essence of nature and yessss.... your narrative is always inspiring for me, Ma'am.
Well, he's nervous like that, I didn't do anything to him to make him like that hahahaha... I think I'd like him to perch on my shoulder. An expert has already said it is a male.
A hug, my friend. And thanks for coming to visit me as that little bird.
Saludos @nanixxx, que bella la candelita, las fotos te quedaron muy buenas eh, ellas son un poco locas porque no paran de moverse y hacerles foto puede ser estresante Jjjjj, son migratorias y pasan el invierno por acá. Además tienen la costumbre que si tienes bastante alimento en tu patio y agua entonces vienen todos los años, en mi patio tengo una, le llamo manolo de cariño jajajaa, todos los años me hace la visita. Por cierto el de la foto es un macho, la hembra es un verde más clarito. Saludos 🌼
Hola, qué bueno que viene un experto a sacarnos de dudas. Parece que le gusta mi patio porque siempre me visita.
jajaja... Manolo. Le pondré nombre a este, aunque ya creo que he visto uno que me gusta para él por aquí: Candelito. 😂
Gracias, @muhammadhalim.
Pues esa la tienes allí fijo, seguramente regresa también la próxima temporada, son aves muy curiosas, para hacerles foto le puedes hacer psssttt pssst como si estuvieras llamando a alguien y se te va a acercar, eso te da un margen para fotografiarla, es un tips del oficio jajajaaja, abrazos amiga.
😁 Vale... o grabo su canto y se lo pongo. Eso me enseñó un amigo que fotografiaba aves.
Candelita or Candelito let itself be captured by your eye/camera for some moments; it is a very cute little bird btw. A Nikon will arrive one day, until then G10 will hopefully not decide to sing its darkness. 🤞
Candelito, ya lo bautizaste. 😂 Gracias. "not decide to sing its darkness..." - what a great way of putting it. Espero que aguante solo un poquito más.
Candelita is very restless and was surely looking for food or a partner if she sang loudly. You live in a place with a microclimate that birds love, and to be able to capture them you are going to need to camp somewhere on your roof, ir camouflage yourself on top of the same tree for a whole day, I am sure you are going to see extraordinary visitors there. ...ahhh but you will have to bring snacks and patience, something that you photographers have plenty of.
Despite the age of your camera, it still takes good photos.
Hug for you.
😄 I have some patience and will try other methods with that Candelita hahaha.... ¿un video? Hoy ya lo intenté en la tarde pero voló por todas partes menos por delante de la cámara que situé en el tronco del árbol. 😂
Gracias, al menos la primera y la segunda no quedaron tan mal. Un abrazo sanador para ti.
Vendrán muchas más, tú patio las atrae...gracias por tus buenas vibras, te aprecio mucho.
It's always hard to catch the tiny jumpy ones on a decent photo, right? Especially between the branches! Decent cameras do help a lot; besides them, the usual: good technique, patience... and a visit from lady luck! :) !BEER
It is important to be patient with the birds. I started some time ago to make a series of birds from my neighbourhood, I have to take it up again. I haven't really gone out to do that kind of exploration any more. But today I felt the call again. 😃
Thank you!
Any time to go out birdwatching is a good time! ;)
You pair very well with your camera, I hope this one takes a while to shut down. I read one of the comments about cell phone use. I couldn't agree more...
And I think candelita does not understand humanity in general. Big hug, @nanixxx.
Thank you! Well, Candelita and I agree. Big hug!
🤣 I agree with both of you, without a doubt. Today has been a complicated day. See you tomorrow, now 😴
Descansa bien que el mañana te espera. 😄
Ya sí que me voy de Hive, que para el mañana faltan sólo 71 minutos (el mañana de aquí, claro)🤣
Es que tu cámara vieja ya es parte de ti, conoces sus mañas y ella no se resiste a que la apartes y la tires en un rincón, Quien dice que por ser vieja no sigue ayudándote y que hagas esas fotos tan espectaculares. El mérito de ambas está en la resistencia para lograr bonitas fotos aunque no se esté quieta. Me comentaste sobre el post, pero te felicito, lo encuentro muy bonito. Descansa, mañana será otro día y siempre con nuevas sorpresas. 😜
Gracias Mamani. 🤗 Es vieja y sigue ayudándome, sólo hace falta que no se apague por ahora.
Sorry Nanixxx, but I can't stop imagining the little bird saying: Hey, crazy! Stop stalking me, I need to have breakfast.🤣
A greeting and happy new year!
Greetings... just like that, poor bird. 😄
I have come up with another idea, let me see if I succeed. I will record it with my action camera. I'll set up the camera early in the morning and hopefully if he shows up, you'll be able to see it in action.
Your camera might soon meet my drone in camera paradise ;^)
😂 Oh, please, no... hahahaha
Should your G10 ever leave you, and you don't know how to take good photos with your mobile phone, you can always ask the many macro photographers on Hive. There are many who post top grade macros images or plants, flowers, insects, birds, fungi every day and earn 2 cents. The quality is so good I always wonder why none of them are working professionally
Those mobiles they have I think are expensive. Mine doesn't have the macro option. My mobile phone is a Xiaomi Redmi Note 10. I have to buy a new camera, I know that. In fact I was recently offered a job, to do photo tours with foreigners and I had to turn it down because my camera is not up to the job.
But well, it's a goal I have, to buy a camera, along with the others we know. 🤷♀
Look at this photo taken by bangram, he's a new user and has a redmi note 13. His work is so good surely they belong to magazines, as do the rest of his friends who post the same content every day
It is interesting this kind of photos with mobile devices, but what seems to me is that if they were professionals they would not use that device, but a professional camera with macro lenses for that.
See the difference in this links.
These are just a few examples, but if you are looking for professional insect photography, you will see the obvious differences.
😃 ¡Gracias!