Last Saturday I decided finally to sneak and find the swans before they leave. The mute swans come to our beach every winter and stay there until March. I don't know for sure when they leave, but when its getting warmer they head back to the North.
I had couple of hours to find them and possibly to search for other birds in the Sea Garden, the biggest park in my town. So off me went there. I passed by the kids corner where I expect the ducks in the pond. For my disappoint, the pond was empty, the ducks must have been sheltered somewhere untill its getting warm again. Speaking of the weather, it was a mild winter by far and very pleasant day with lots of sunshine. The whole town was in the park to enjoy the nice and warm afternoon, like there was no pandemic. Still I was trying to avoid the crowds and quickly reached the beach. Another disappointment as there were few swans and all in the sea and none on the shore. Nevermind, I still got some shots, this one was close enough.
The sea wasn't calm, but this did not bother the birds and the swan was drifting with the waves.
Swans always are accompanied by the seagulls.
A couple of shots of flying seagull.
Not far from the swans and seagulls, a pleasant surprise was waiting for me. A new bird, better to say a whole lot of coots. First time to see them and moreover I wasn't aware what they were at first. I thought of ducks. Later I realized they are coots.
They were numerous, I watch them diving and because some were very close, I took plenty of photos. Somehow the photos did not turn nice, but I will show some which are not so bad.

It was about time to head back. But until I reached the bus stop I looked around in hope of seeing something interesting. The park was full with great tits who were singing loud.
Among their choir I heard something else, a new sound. I looked up and there it is -the treecreeper. First time ever to see it and to photograph it.
This makes two new birds for one day. It couldn't get better and when I stopped to buy some chips a flock of cormorants flew above.
Starting with some disappointment, the walk turned to be pretty rewarding with the new birds. On top of that the weather was very nice and it felt as it was spring day, not February. Ff

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A lot of birds on sea.
Seaguls are my favourite!
It was an impressive sight with so many birds in the sea and some on the beach, including pigeons. Seagulls are everywhere and it would be a shame to ignore them. 🙂
It's been a great walk! Good photos. Lots of birds. Congratulations on the treecreeper, it's not so easy to photograph her!
Thank you so much 🙂
I was thrilled to find the treecreeper. Sheer luck, considering I was looking randomly at the trees.