Jackdaw killer

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Hello feathered friends.

Last week I saw and documented an interesting event. As I hid from the sun in the shade of a tall tree, I noticed a few pigeons on the ground. One was either sick or exhausted from the heat. Not long after, a jackdaw landed next to him. Since there was a lot of popcorn thrown away, I thought at first that the jackdaw would eat them. But instead, it jumped on a helpless and exhausted pigeon. With its large and sharp beak, it pecked him on the head several times and then started to strangle him. After a few shots, I approached and the jackdaw flew away.












I know that jackdaws are opportunists and are omnivores, but I did not expect a scene like this.


It's a raven bird, so what she did is no wonder. Magpies, jays, crows kill the nests of other birds in bulk. Killing a pigeon that can no longer defend itself is not difficult.

I know that they’ll kill some fledglings or eat some eggs. They will even eat roadkills. It was interesting how quickly the jackdaw left popcorn and switch to pigeon.

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Oh wow....I'm glad you were around to witness it and mostly to make him fly away...😬

Mostly I don’t interfere. That pigeon definitely ended as food.

They go for their eyes. I've taken baby rabbits to the vets after being attacked. Can't leave anything injured.

This jackdaw went straight for the neck.

Yeh, I'd have run over there.

Hello @oks2crypto!

Interesting shots !
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