Feathered Friends~Show Me A Photo: /Among the dry leaves

in Feathered Friends2 months ago (edited)

Greetings to the community of feathered friends

I saw these birds as a couple in a city park.


I started to follow them to take pictures, and I was surprised that one of them did not scare so easily and even turned its face to see me.


It is a species that they call the flycatcher (Machetornis rixosa) that feeds on insects and usually rides on the backs of these animals to look for parasites.


They were jumping on the dry grass and leaf litter. When I got too close, they would fly, but not so high, and fly away. I imagine they were looking for insects to feed on.

It was fun to watch it go back and forth for a while until it flew up into the branches of a tree.


There, I could see another dark-colored bird with white-striped wings. It was very tall, and I could not see its features well. It flew and spread its wings, are beautiful.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like it.


Decidimos nuestra propia libertad.jpg

The pictures were taken with a Samsung S6 phone edge


So nicely captured. You can see so many different birds there.

Thank you very much @nelinoeva 🌼🐤

Nice shots, it looks a little different when it flies 💯👍

Thank you very much for your comment. You are right l that is flying is another species but I could not identify it.
Regards @tierra-errante 🌿