Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1350 🐦

in Feathered Friends2 years ago


🦉 The Eurasian treecreeper or common treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)

📚 Certhia (Greek): kerthios - a small bird crawling through the trees, mentioned by Aristotle
📚 familiaris (lat.): common, easily recognizable


On the one hand, this bird is not so easy to notice, all thanks to her coloring to match the color of the tree. But on the other hand, the bird is in constant motion, which allows you to find it on a tree trunk. But even here it is not so simple. The bird moves from the bottom up in a spiral, and in order to take a photo or just watch it, you have to move too.


Winter is the hardest time for them. The bird is exclusively insectivorous, and with great difficulty finds small insects on tree trunks, which are not so many there in winter. And their long, thin beak does not allow them to crush seeds and nuts from the shell, so sometimes, if bird lucky, they find small, small seeds of coniferous trees.



I like the tree creeper very much but I only see it very seldom here.

Мне нравятся эти бегающие по стволу птички. Они не очень пугливы и за ними интересно наблюдать.

BRCR_5682 2019-06-11 King County.JPG
Pretty similar to our North American Brown Creeper Certhia americana These are really cool birds IMO.