Today's Feathered Friends - Red eye bird

in Feathered Friends4 years ago (edited)

sofda 3.jpg

Hello friends! Today I returned to show some pictures of birds that I shot today, I found an interesting bird, as you can see in some of my pictures, A bird is black and its eyes are red, I don't know what the name of this bird is . I've tried searching for references on google engine about this bird, but I didn't find any literacy about this bird. I think this is a very interesting image, I can catch birds eating in the trees. To take it I had to hide in the bushes. Here are some of my shots for the day. Hope you guys like it.

sofda 1.jpg

sofda 2.jpg

sofda 4.jpg

CameraCanon M100
CategoryBird Photography
LensCanon Tele-Macro 55-250 IS II STM

Thank you to friends who always visit and support my blog who always shows the various types of birds that exist in my area.



What a beautiful bird! Great photos, too. Look up Asian Glossy Starling and see if you think that is the correct ID for this bird.
Thanks for posting to the #featheredfriends community!

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