Feathered Friends: Ordinary Seagulls.

in Feathered Friends4 years ago (edited)

Ordinary Seagulls.

What's so special about Seagulls you may ask?

They're very common and we see them everywhere, especially if one is fortunate enough to live near coastal areas.

In fact, they can even be quite annoying if you're having a picnic or trying to enjoy fish 'n chips by the sea. They assume you are going to give them a feed too and if you don't, they can get quite demanding.

But two seagulls in particular taught me one of life's important lessons the other day. I was walking along the beach, enjoying the sun and the scenery, taking in the sights and sounds around about me. Dozens of ordinary people and seagulls were doing the same thing and they all blended in, creating a pleasant and picturesque setting.

And then these two seagulls caught my eye. They were clearly having fun frolicking in the breakers; splashing about, diving beneath the waves and making the most of their day. As I took these photos I realized that something this simple brought me joy and gave me a sense of well being.

The moral of this little story? I think we need to be careful in dismissing the ordinary things in life; things we take for granted; things/situations/people we assume are always going to behave and act the way we expect them to. Good and Bad!

I think we deprive ourselves when we overlook every day things and do not pause to appreciate the unique characteristics and features of the ordinary creatures/things/situations and people in our lives. Nature is very accepting. Not so, the human species.

Some of us spend a life time (and exorbitant amounts of money) trying to re-arrange the way we were created and no amount of designer clothing, fame, talent, and achievements can cover up the fact that, beneath these contrived appearances and 'trappings' ...…….we are all very ordinary.

It's time to Stop! And find the gems in the ordinary!


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GULL 2 E SM.jpg


Now, before you accuse me of having double standards...…….... I will admit to being guilty of altering the appearance of some of my original photos. But not on this occasion!

Check out the gif below. It is only the waves that have been altered in this instance, not the seagull. But, those of you who know my love of using digital effects, will know that sooner or later (ok sooner) I will exercise a little artistic license and indulge in some altering of appearances...…….for creative purpose only. (lol)

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Hey @trudeehunter, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Your photography is beautiful, looks very cool 😎


Thank you for your comment and visit.

Nice photos of the seagulls. We see one or two here, once in awhile. They're obviously lost, though.

We have plenty here. Thanks for your visit and comments. Have a great week!

Hehe. Mine. Mine mine. Mine

Having worked and fished the Pacific Ocean for years, I've seen a few gulls. They follow the sportfishing boats home in flocks as the crew members are busy filleting fish. Some can be quite bold and get close, then angry if you don't flip them some of your catch. Nice FX at the end. It's good to marvel in the ordinary. 😁

Thanks for your visit and comments @inalittlewhile They seem to be everywhere either on land and far out to sea. It's amazing where they come from at times. Lol

Ohhhhh! I want to know how to make that artistic gif! 😍😍

But yes, that is sooooo true. We really need to pause to appreciate the little things in life. Lacking of appreciation means depriving ourselves of happiness, cause really, those that are appreciative are the most happy people. But those who are not, even if they have all the things in the world, they tend to complain and end up being upset. 😢

I envy you that you are able to go out to walk in the beach. That is something I am dying to do for quiet a while now. 😢

Taking time to actually see is so wonderful! Great photos and observations! !Tip

Thank you Melinda for your comments and Tip! You are very much appreciated for what you do on Hive!

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True it is the little things in life that matter and that is what we disregard most of the times nicely put and i love the artistic gif 😊

Thank you @kohsamui99 for your comments. Have a great week!

A pleasure and same to you @trudeehunter 😊

Life is full of simple things to appreciate for the one who wants to see and seek them...😉

The only thing is, life can be so busy at times, we can easily miss them.

Simple things can bring more joy, if one can appreciate them.
I had more or less same thoughts when I saw some sparrows yesterday. They are too ordinary and not so spectacular, but they were so funny hopping in the wet grass after rain.

That is so true Neli about the sparrows. Thanks for your thoughts and comments. Have a great weekend!

These seagulls are very playful! They give me a sense of freedom and independence! They could fly where they want! They glide beautifully and silently!

They are a pretty common bird in this part of the world especially near the sea. Thanks for your visit and comments!