Good to see (2024.07.19)

in Feathered Friends2 months ago

Good to see that at least a few people are happy to see me again after one month of break from blogging on the Hive blockchain.

This is why I decided to continue posting on the Hive blockchain.

Otherwise I would just stick to Facebook (mostly to Facebook groups), where dozens of people care. They m regularly ask how am I (even in private messages). They encourage me to post more frequently.

On the Hive blockchain, actually no one asked me during this one month break.

What more, some of them blamed me for not having interaction, and some people even unfollowed me in the recent past. And there are also those people, who say that I am right, and that they experience the same (lack of interaction), and that they are also rarely active on this platform because of this.

But no problem. Again. Good to see that at least a few people are happy to see me on the Hive blockchain again.

I am good.
My Harris's hawk is also good.
We are good.
We are happy.

Even if the temperature is hot (around 30 °C) nowadays.

I/we still live in the cave/tent living community.

Currently it feels hot. Even in light clothes.
But otherwise we are good.

Recently (on 2024.07.11) we celebrated the 11th anniversary of this cave/tent living community. We had a pizza party on the evening/night of that day. Even after midnight. There were various kinds of home made pizzas, and all were delicious/tasty.

I arrived in this cave/tent living community in the spring of 2023 for the first time, and my current plan is to stay in it for long term (for years/decades).

As for the Hive blockchain, I still keep the previously started Hive Power Down ongoing, but I continue posting.

I do not promise daily, or any kind of consistent blog posting, but at least I will occasionally write blog posts.

Only when I like to post.

No force.
No challenge.
No contest.

I like to spend time much more in the physical world than on the internet anyway.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.


Where have you been?
I’m glad to have you here again

Thank you.

I posted on Facebook.

I took one month break only from blogging on the Hive blockchain.

Welcome back 😊

Thank you.

@xplosive, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!