My first month with my parent reared female Harris's hawk (2024.05.30)

in Feathered Friends3 months ago

I bought this parent reared female Harris's hawk exactly one month ago, on 2024.04.30. Her previous owner transported her from Cádiz to Huelva to me, and then I travelled to Tenerife with her by ferry.

Since then she became almost completely tame with me. She still need time to get used to being in a crowd.

I started her socialisation 10 days ago (on 2024.05.20), and she is mostly used to be around people (less than 15 people).

She became 11 months old two days ago (on 2024.05.28).

She is still nervous and stressed, when she is in a crowd. She is jumping off and screaming, but she will get used to the crowd too over time.

Of course mostly I am amongst a smaller number of people with her. To be honest, I do not like being in a crowd either.

As for the expansion/enlargement of the aviary, I already have the pallets. I need to buy only mesh and screws. This probably will be done until the middle of June.

Everything is good.

She have a good appetite. She is on a mixed diet. I give various meats to her. Mouse, rat, lizard, chicken meat. I still have not gave pigeon and rabbit to her.

She is calm in her aviary. Four days ago (in the afternoon of 2024.05.26) I saw her laying down for the first time. The tray was outside of the aviary for cleaning, this is why it is not visible on the photo below.

Five days ago (on 2024.05.25) I posted a short (03:36) video in a Facebook group about the current status of the socialisation of my bird (she is visibly calm in the video, she is preening near the end of the video), because the people there actually care. Some of them even asking me on Facebook Messenger about the progress with her, how my bird is, how I am, if I have help, etc.

No one is asking anything on the Hive blockchain. People rarely even write comments.

Mostly this is why I am not in the mood recently to write Hive blog posts. I rather upload content, where people actually care.

If anyone read this post, then I wrote this post mostly for myself, and probably I will prefer other platforms.

Facebook is obvious. And I already have an Instagram account too, but I have not uploaded anything to it. One of my friends recommended TikTok. And he even uploaded some of my photos to his TikTok profile. I still have not created a TikTok account so far.

Of course I am open to any properly working platform, where there are actual content consumers, actual audience.

I have two YouTube channels, but I have not uploaded any videos to them in the recent past. I am thinking about this too. Maybe it would be good to upload videos there too.

I still do not leave the Hive blockchain. I write and post mostly for myself. When I have something to write and post about my life. This can be once a week, once a month, or completely irregularly. No challenges, no contests, no force. When I feel like.

Either way, I continue posting on the Hive blockchain too, but not every day. I do not post every day on any other platform either.

Those who know me and care about me, know how and where to find me. And probably if I create any other social media account, then I will mention it on the Hive blockchain too. In case if anyone actually read these posts, then they will find it.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.


Dude this is so awesome! Reblogged and instant follow - I am a huge bird fan, but I’m SUPER new to the game! I would love to learn from you, so I hope you will continue to share on Hive - it’s the only social media I use and I would hate to miss out on seeing your work!

I’m not super popular on Hive either, but I have made those few friends who make me really happy to be here - and I’m always excited to meet new Hivers :)

Here is a video I posted, yesterday I think - I’m trying to learn how to speak crow so I can eventually build a relationship with some crows and spend time hanging out with them!

UPDATE: I just went to follow you and realized youre no novice here 🤣 Nonetheless, I seriously hope you keep sharing here - I would hate for you to stop right when Im just finding you!

Crows are also very intelligent. They can even learn to say words, and I have read that some of them use the words properly in context. And I have also read that a woman is receiving gifts from a crow, which she feeds.

I continue posting on the Hive blockchain from time to time. But probably not regularly. Nowadays I spend very little time online. I spend most of the day with my female Harris's hawk and with the cave/tent living community.

I spend most of the day with my female Harris's hawk and with the cave/tent living community.

Brother, it sounds like you have your priorities straight!
...I'm very pleased to meet you!

Very creative way to explain eating crow.

LOL!!! I have definitely eaten a lot of crow over the years - but don’t tell my crow bros, they already don’t trust me it seems

Speak Crow! I have tried this and convinced they’re now mocking me behind my back!


Comment of the day man - now I’m thinking it too - and it gives me quite a laugh to think they’re mocking me!

Sometimes, what you want to talk about, people here don't want to hear it.

Hive is very small and the niches on other subjects (ie: gaming, technology and crypto) are very restricted.

This doesn't mean that no one will read it, like curious people like me...

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd


The (private) Facebook group, in which I post is also relatively very small.

It has only 1200 members.

The Hive blockchain (in terms of active users) is probably much bigger than that.

Harris Hawk is getting used to be around people that's a nice thing, and that's going to help her in growth, right now her minds is settle and she feels safe with the people she sees, It just that, it can take time to adapt to an environment.

She certainly already feel safe with me. With other people, this is not so certain yet.

Today she (accidentally) flown a little for the first time. To the other side of the valley. I could catch her leash after a few minutes of walking and climbing. She was on the ground for minutes.

When I go into her aviary, mostly she step up to my arm/glove on her own.

Of course I still cannot call her to my arm. It takes one month or two months to teach her to jump/fly to my arm by calling her.

I have not even started this with her so far (only with my previous Harris's hawk).

Hello my dear friend @xplosive, how is your day going and how is our friend[hawk]?

Your story just reminds me of my pet called Oos, Oos was a rabbit that I and my brother catch caught while growing up, and we trained him until he became very close to us like a family 😊😊.

I read almost your last statement about the attitude of Hivians, you can't because of them to stop what every you do on hive although I know that we need each other to keep going, engagement/communication is very necessary and it makes us feel at home and to have a sense of belongings. Don't worry bro, let's be friends and turn things around to our taste.

One love to you bro, Jah bless, Jah guide, Jah love's...

We are both fine. Thank you. With love and care, it is possible to build trust and a close/deep relationship with many kinds of animals. I literally slept together with my previous Harris's hawk. She laid down on me, mostly on my neck, cuddling with me.

When I was a little kid, we also had rabbits, but I do not remember if we had a close relationship with any of them.

We had a dog, and he/she protected me as a baby.

He/she was with us for many years, but I do not remember if he/she was male or female. His/her name was Vuk. He/she was a mixed breed dog.

That's pretty cool to know, am a nature lover and I embrace what ever I desire. From my child hold, we learnt to take animals as our closet friend and that has been my life style till now.

How can I locate you on X?

Currently I do not have a Twitter/X account. Currently I have only Facebook, YouTube and Instagram accounts.

Alright 👍👍, I will be inviting you to threads, on Leo, where I host a daily threadcast where we can have fun and post some micro content..

I already used LeoThreads in the past a few times. Thank you for the invitation. I also used Ecency Waves, which is a similar platform. Both are on the Hive blockchain. Nowadays I spend very little time online, but probably I will continue to use these platforms from time to time.

Alright my dear friend, please stay safe as we get in touch with each other 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️

That's a great hobby! Too bad there's not a group for falconry here on Hive, I've never done it buy have a cousin who enjoys it.

What I do is not exactly falconry (at least not in the classical meaning) (I do not hunt with the bird), but it is still related to it from some aspects in some level. The Facebook group, in which I post is mostly about falconry. The Feathered Friends Hive community is about birds in general, yet the people in it somehow mostly do not really care about this kind of content.

She's beautiful :) Is it ok to put one of the pictures in Let Our Picture Tell Your Story?

How big will the aviary be? It sounds like you have some good friends to help you :)

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Is it ok to put one of the pictures in Let Our Picture Tell Your Story?

Yes. You can use any of my photos in the Let Our Picture Tell Your Story. Thank you for asking.

How big will the aviary be?

Probably at least the twice of its default size. It will be higher too. We will see. There is enough physical space to properly expand it. This is certain. The rest depends mostly on the price of the materials. The basic aviary was €100 EUR. The material, the work and the shipping was also included in this price. Probably I will spend at least an additional €100 EUR on it. Or maybe even more.

It sounds like you have some good friends to help you :)

Yes. I have good friends both inside and outside too of this cave/tent living community. They will expand the aviary.

It is interesting to see she has become accustomed to her surrounding quite quickly.

Will be wonderful when able to fly out and return exercising her wings, you mentioned she took short flight already, that is exciting!

Take care!

It will take one or two months to train her to jump/fly to my arm by whistling. I have not started her training yet. Currently I am spending time with her socialisation.

Nice companion to take care of, very clever bird that responds positively to people who treat them well.

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Wow this is amazing. I was always amazed by having a hawk when I was a kid and a few years ago went to a bird flying experience in Somerset UK which was super amazing. Such majestic animals.

You can buy a Harris's hawk in the UK from around £300 GBP. Recently I saw one for £250 GBP.

I bought mine for €300 EUR + €80 EUR shipping from Cádiz to Huelva, and the ferry transport from Tenerife to Huelva, and back to Tenerife was €253.78 EUR in total.

So the shipping in total was more expensive than the bird herself. The travel distance was more than 1000 km, so this is understandable.

Do you need a special permit to own one though?

You do not need a permit to own one in most of the countries. Probably you do not need a permit in the UK either. So you can buy any captive bred predatory bird. The seller need to give you a paper with the bird to prove that the bird is bred in captivity, and not from the wild.

That’s fantastic news and great progress. We’ve a few falconries around here in my corner of England, lots of farms and places to visit.

I’d love to hear how she gets on.

I publish posts from time to time.
I have a few plans, including extending the aviary. I will document the progress on the Hive blockchain.

Have a nice day too. Interactions on Hive may be different in some ways. Partially depending on your followers and who sees, or may rather look for your post. Good to hear about your pet bird doing better and being more relaxed.

People certainly see my blog posts on Hive, but mostly there are no interaction under my Hive blog posts. Even after I promote my posts on Ecency. It is not worth it.

Much better to post on properly working social networks, where people are actually care about content.

For example I post in a relatively small private Facebook group (there are 1200 people in it), and people always. They regularly write meaningful comments under my posts. And some of them sometimes even write me private messages, asking how the things are going, how I am, if I have help, etc.

In addition to Facebook groups, I started to upload YouTube videos again. Currently I have a small amount of followers, but the unique content is standing out on a properly working platform. It will be good over time.

I cannot say the same about Hive. I am publishing on it for years. People mostly only comment, when I complain, when I make a rant. Or rather when I simply write the truth about Hive. Many people see that as complaining or being negative. But the truth is the truth. Fact.

For example five days ago (on 2024.05.30) I mentioned that I would use other platforms, and people wrote comments (encouraging me to stay on Hive). Two days go (on 2024.06.02) I posted again, and there are 0 comments again.

It is not really worth it to post on a platform, where no one actually cares.

Nowadays I spend very little time on the internet, and it is much better to post on platforms, where people actually care.

Yes understood and thank you for sharing. Interesting how the different platforms have built up and used differently. We may all find and do what we feel works best for us. !BBH