The Friendship I Never Saw Coming

"Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled." — Ally Condie


What's up madlang people! Hello hello mga ka-hive! Lately I have been thinking about my friends or let me say I was reminiscing the good old days that we shared.

So this blog of mine is all about the relationship or the lifelong friendship that I have that goes beyond space and time.

Do you ever wonder who you'd be without your ride-or-dies?
We all have those friends. The ones who've been there from the beginning and seen us through our most embarrassing moments and celebrated our victory like it was their own. Well, they were the ones who knew us better than anyone, could decipher our cryptic texts, and still managed to love us most of the time.

While writing this blog, I remember the laughter, tears, internal jokes that no one else understands, and solid relationships that make our life's path a little less bumpy and a lot more fun.

Obviously, I missed the bonding time that we spent together. Faisah and Julie have been my longtime friends since 2015. Our friendship started during the Red Cross Youth Training for 13 days at Hagnaya Beach Resort in Hagnaya, San Remigio, Cebu.

This was us 😅 who would have thought that this will be the beginning of our friendship?

I bet anyone of us has "Unexpected Friendship" in our lives. That you taught you can't be friends with them but later on you will find out that they are the most ideal.

Before I have this "Unexpected Friendship" I have also lost friends along the way, both having grown apart and having had to cut ties maybe because we have grown apart and of course our priorities in life.

I’m not sure I have always realised how fortunate I am to be surrounded by healthy relationships.


Why does it seem to be so much harder to have meaningful friendships now we are adults?

The answer to this question is that time as an adult is in short supply, and it can be challenging to set aside the time needed to sustain a friendship when you have to juggle work, family, household responsibilities, and self care.

In our fast-paced world, it is very challenging to make time for our friends. Whether it is scheduling regular meet-ups or simply being present in each other's lives, investing time and effort and sustaining meaningful friendships is personal growth.

Let us all admit, nowadays adult friendships require appointments like... Are you free on August 10 at 5pm? or Which day works for you? or sometimes postpone the meet up in last minute 😅.

But it's okay, amidst our busy schedules, we understand this kind of set up. We don't care if it takes longer to see each other, as long as, at the end of the day, we all agree when to meet and hang out.

Growing Together

We just enjoyed each others company not knowing that the bond we had will last longer.

It was really a celebration of milestones that we shared that gives joy and makes our bond stronger, forging connections that endure through the passage of time. From weddings, birthdays,christmas days, and even without occasion we really managed our time to catch up.

(This was during Julie's wedding. Faisah and I were one of the bridesmaids🤗)


(This time was the wedding of Faisah. Julie and I were bridesmaids 🥰)

(Moments during christening 🙂)

Life is a beautiful journey of twists and turns

People come and go, but every person who comes into your life has a purpose for being there. Who would have taught that the unexpected friends I have were now my true friends. The mutual caring, and understanding of each other’s hearts, and where bonds are formed between us. Where our bonds run so deep that no amount of time apart or lack of words will change the way we feel about each other. I can finally say, I found my true friends whom I can cherish with

They're the ones who get our inside jokes, can finish our sentences, and hold a piece of our history.

(A simple meet-up, heart-to-heart conversation amidst our busy schedules)

Lifelong friendships are those rare connections that transcend time and circumstance.They're the people who knew us before anyone else, who saw us through awkward phases and celebrated our triumphs. They're the ones who get our inside jokes, can finish our sentences, and hold a piece of our history.


Friendship is a journey that spans a lifetime, weaving through the tapestry of our lives with threads of laughter, support, and shared memories.

I’d drop everything for friends who needed me. I’d give constantly of my time and energy. I have learned so much about friendship, more than any other stage of my life.


I am beyond grateful for the few who have shown up for me and showed me the true definition of friendship. They showed me what it feels like to be on the receiving end. They showed me what it feels like to be loved well.

They listened with compassion, kindness,and affirmation. One thing is for sure, I felt safe sharing more and more of my feelings and emotions with no judgement.


(Our kinda mandatory exchange gifts every December ♥️)

Even though they had things they were going through personally, they were amazing friends when I needed it most.

They were consistent. Some friendships over the last year have been in and out, but I’ve been blessed with a few that have shown up in the most consistent way possible. This was what I needed above all else.

This kind of friendship made me realize that it is always the quality not the quantity. You can be around hundreds of people that you consider as your friends,yet we still feel lonely.

Nowadays,people find themselves on different paths and separate directions and that's normal. Friends understand that people change and priorities shift.

We both loved that meant everything. They accept me for who I am and I accept them for who they are: similarities and differences. Well for me, THAT IS REAL FRIENDSHIP.

We have been friends for almost 9 years now and still have the same warm feeling and excitement when I see them. And it was always fun, we can talk the whole day and giggle like there's no tomorrow😂


I will forever treasure those countless moments we spent together and forever be grateful. I am always thankful for making me feel loved and seen.

My blog is also a space for you too! I'd love to hear your stories about your lifelong friends.

So that's all for todays blog! I hope it gives you inspiration and appreciate your lifelong friends out there 🥰.

Thank you so much for reading 🫶

Yours Truly,



I am all smiles reading your blog @aicaralarde1994 nindot kaayo inyong photos. It is really good to have real and true friends who will never judge you but inspire and encourage you.

awww🥹 thank you so much @bingbing1218. Makawala kaayo sa kalaay ingun ani nga klase sa friends♥️

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You're lucky and blessed to have each other Ma'am @aicaralarde1994 sisters at heart

Thank you so much maam 🤗