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RE: With these days of the Internet, no one sends postcards?

in Family & Friendslast year

Nostalgic postcards.....

They will never go out of style nor any other 'communication' will exchange that kind of excitement!

My sister (from Australia) and I had a ritual writing a letters to each other, adding some random drawings in envelope. It lasted for years (we don't know each other btw), and then stopped as we grew up....

I was so proud of myself waiting in a Post line to send it off and wait for the response. 😊


That was a nice ritual, I see. 😇 How great moments we had with these sending & receiving letters, right? And if they included also random drawings, some creativity that is not just a usual postcard for Xmas/Easter/NY thingy, that it is the real thing then.

...and then we became lazy tech humans. 😂