¡Hola Hola mis queridos amigos de Hive! Por favor diganme que no soy la única que con el pasar de los años no aprende no aprende de sus errores y siempre deja las cosas para última hora. Todos los años me digo "Andrea, debes hacer todo con tiempo" pero allí te voy, sin hacer caso y a último minuto mi amor y yo nos fuimos a la capital del estado donde vivo, a la ciudad de Maracaibo, a pocos días del 24 de diciembre a zumbarnos al mar de personas a ver que conseguiamos para las fiestas. Y es que no es un secreto que en mi pais siempre buscamos la manera de estrenar ropa y armarnos tremendos outfits para hacernos nuestra respectiva sesión de fotos, caminar por nuestro vecindario con nuestros trajes como si de una pasarela de alta moda tratara y luego regresar a nuestras casas a sentarnos en el sillón para compartir con la familia (o en otros casos meternos en el celular a ver videos y tomarnos selfies).
Hello Hello my dear friends of Hive! Please tell me that I am not the only one who over the years does not learn, does not learn from her mistakes and always leaves things to the last minute. Every year I tell myself “Andrea, you must do everything in time” but there I go, without paying attention and at the last minute my love and I went to the capital of the state where I live, the city of Maracaibo, a few days before December 24 to dive into the sea of people to see what we could get for the holidays. And it's no secret that in my country we always look for ways to wear new clothes and put together tremendous outfits to do our respective photo shoot, walk around our neighborhood with our outfits as if it were a high fashion catwalk and then return to our homes to sit on the couch to share with the family (or in other cases get into the cell phone to watch videos and take selfies).
Ustedes no se imaginan la cantidad de gente que estaban caminando por el centro comercial, yo tenia muchos años que no veia tantas aglomeraciones como las vi este día. Casi no podíamos ni caminar y si no caminabas bien las personas te llevaban o mejor dicho te arrastraban por los pasillos. A mi amorcito no le gusta mucho estar en lugares con tantas persona acumuladas y cuando entramos a uno de los centros comerciales que estan en el centro ya el estaba loco por salir pero allí nos encontramos con una amiga que estaba comprando también su outfit navideño y la acompañamos.
You can't imagine the amount of people that were walking around the mall, I had many years that I had not seen so many crowds as I saw this day. We could hardly walk and if you didn't walk well, people carried you or rather dragged you through the aisles. My sweetheart does not like to be in places with so many people accumulated and when we entered one of the malls that are in the center and he was already crazy to leave but there we met a friend who was also buying her Christmas outfit and we accompanied her.
Afortunadamente para ella, en la primera tienda a la que entró, logró conseguir lo que buscaba ya que solamente necesitaba una blusa para complementar lo que queria usar para las fiestas. Luego de que pagara nos dirigimos al centro comercial que se encontraba justo al frente de donde estabamos pero allí había muchísima más cantidad de gente, era una locura total la cantidad de personas que allí se encontraban.
Fortunately for her, at the first store she entered, she was able to get what she was looking for since she only needed a blouse to complement what she wanted to wear for the holidays. After she paid we headed to the mall that was right across the street from where we were but there were a lot more people there, it was totally crazy how many people were there.
Al final mi esposo no quiso seguir con las compras, empezó a sentirse mal y nos fuimos para volver al día siguiente y allí ya fuimos a hacer todo lo que teníamos pendiente. Entramos a donde necesitabamos y listo.
In the end my husband did not want to continue shopping, he started to feel sick and we left to return the next day and there we went to do everything we had pending. We went where we needed to go and that was it.
Uno de los lugares a los que entramos fue a Traki, donde afortunadamente pudimos conseguir lo que buscabamos más tranquilos. Mi amor estaba sumamente feliz porque compramos muchas cositas que a el le hacian falta.
One of the places we went to was Traki, where fortunately we were able to get what we were looking for more relaxed. My love was very happy because we bought a lot of things that he needed.
Pudímos comprar para el unas cuantas franelas, unos shorts, y el outfit que estaría usando para el 24 y celebrar la navidad. También aproveche y me compré una chaqueta que nececitaba con urgencia. Me hace feliz porque el tenía rato que no iba de compras de esa manera y esta vez pudimos darnos un gusto, además de que aprovechamos la oportunidad de pagar todo lo que compramos a crédito con una aplicación, donde solo pagamos la mitad de la compra y el resto en tres cuotas. Nos fuimos an casa felices y contentos.
La navidad más que la ropa y los regalos, es pasar el tiempo con la familia y agradecer por tenerlos aún junto a nosotros pero hay que admitir que estos momentros donde podemos darnos nuestros gustitos y tener la oportunidad de disfrutar de unos estrenos, es algo muy satisfactorio.
We were able to buy him a few flannels, some shorts, and the outfit he would be wearing for the 24th and to celebrate Christmas. I also took the opportunity to buy a jacket that he needed urgently. It makes me happy because he hadn't been shopping like that for a while and this time we were able to treat ourselves, plus we took the opportunity to pay for everything we bought on credit with an application, where we only paid half of the purchase and the rest in three installments. We went home happy and content.
Christmas, more than clothes and gifts, is spending time with the family and being thankful for having them still with us, but we have to admit that these moments where we can indulge ourselves and have the opportunity to enjoy some premieres, is something very satisfying.
Estoy eternamente agradecida de que hayan llegado hasta el final de este post. Espero les haya gustado la publicación. Nos vemos en el siguiente post, un fuerte abrazo ❤️
I am eternally grateful that you have made it to the end of this post. I hope you liked the publication. See you in the next post, a big hug.❤️
- Las fotografías son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi iPhone 11.
- Las imágenes fueron editadas con Canva
- Parte de las fotografías fueron editadas con Lightroom
- La traducción a ingles fue gracias a Deelp
- The photographs are of my authorship, taken with my iPhone 11.
- The images were edited with Canva.
- Part of the photographs were edited with Lightroom.
- The english translation was thanks to Deelp
Such a nice bonding before Christmas, buying new clothes is already a thing no. Especially if it can make us happy and feel beautiful with them on. I also bought mine but rather than buying to the mall, I decided to order online. Hehe. Merry Christmas!
I would have loved to order online hahaha but where I live it's a bit complicated and my order was more likely to take longer to arrive hehe. Thank you very much for your words Happy New Year!