this is very deep and personal, but I want people to know what to look out for as spiking crimes are on the rise, always look.

The streetlights cast shadows,
Of elongated conversation in the dark,
The time we spoke,
In the little abandoned park,
Little did i know it was a game,
Sick and twisted,
For his gain,
Dull ache, wake up feeling hungover,
Laying limp on the slide,
I didn't know what happened,
But i opened my eyes,
He was there sleeping by my side,
I felt alarmed and searched for clues,
Had our midnight walk just been a ruse,
An excuse to hurt and abuse,
I had been drinking, of course I knew,
That i hadn't drank enough to make me so so dizzy and confused
I looked in his pocket searched for anything to see,
What had happened to me,
And of course i found GHB,
That's date r**e my friends, so here's how it goes,
If your drink looks this way, leave it alone,
We got discoloration, if your drink was yellow and now looks brown, put it down
If the ice sinks to the bottom of the glass, tell the barman you'll pass,
If your drink is too fizzy and filled with bubbles,
You could be in trouble,
If you start to feel too drunk, dazed or confused for what you've consumed,
Tell staff, a friend or call an ambulance very soon,
Its serious and dangerous don't risk it for a drink,
always look, observe, keep a close eye and think!



Thank you for sharing your powerful words @freespiritwriter