Hello friends of this beautiful community, today I pass through here to share these photographs of our shopping day for the home, because a few days before my mother and I were paid the fortnight and we took time to go downtown to buy everything that was missing.
Iniciamos nuestro recorrido en un Super Market bastante grande, la mayor parte del tiempo compramos de manera recurrente allĂ pero ese dĂa estaba demasiado lleno, tanto que no se podĂa ni caminar por los pasillos, no querĂa estar allĂ con ese aglomeramiento de personas asĂ que solo pague lo que pude agarrar que fueron unas gelatinas, unos manies, un suavizante pequeño y una harina de avena.
We started our tour in a fairly large Super Market, most of the time we bought recurring there but that day was too full, so much that you couldn't even walk through the halls, I didn't want to be there with that crowd of people so just pay what I could grab that were some jellies, some manies, a small softener and an oatmeal flour.
Al salir de allĂ caminamos un poco más buscando otro lugar con buenos precios que estuviera más tranquilo para poder comprar con comodidad y encontramos un pequeño sĂşper Market en dĂłnde he comprado anteriormente, tienen bastante variedad y excelentes precios asĂ que allĂ fue donde hicimos la compra mayor de todo lo que faltaba, compramos leche, aceite de oliva, harina pan, detergente, huevos, atĂşn y otras cosas que ahorita no me vienen a la mente. La economĂa en mi paĂs está bastante difĂcil, con todos los productos mencionados se me fue la gran parte de mi sueldo, me quedaron al rededor de 10 bs en la cuenta, pero doy gracias a Dios que pude comprar todo lo que les mencionĂ©.
As we leave there we walk a little more looking for another place with good prices that was calmer to be able to buy in comfort and we found a small super Market where I have bought previously, they have quite a variety and excellent prices so that was where we made the biggest purchase of everything that was missing, we bought milk, olive oil, bread flour, detergent, eggs, tuna and other things that don't come to mind right now. The economy in my country is quite difficult, with all the above-mentioned products the large part of my salary left me around 10 bs in the account, but I thank God that I was able to buy everything I mentioned to you.
DespuĂ©s de allĂ continuamos hacia una venta de detergentes lĂquidos, tambiĂ©n estaba sĂşper lleno, mi mamá tuvo que hacer esa cola pero esperamos pacientemente, allĂ compramos solo un lavaplatos.
After there we continued towards a sale of liquid detergents, it was also super full, my mom had to make that tail but we waited patiently, there we bought only one dishwasher.
Y por último, pero no menos importante la compra de verduras, allà agarramos brócoli, coliflor, cebolla, papa, piña, zanahoria, tomate, para mà una de las compras más importante porque estamos en modo comer sano y los vegetales son lo primordial, cancelamos y retornamos a casa bastante cargadas con las bolsas pero satisfechas porque compramos todo lo faltante en mi hogar.
And lastly, but not least the purchase of vegetables, there we grab broccoli, cauliflower, onion, potato, pineapple, carrot, tomato, for me one of the most important shopping because we are in a healthy way to eat and vegetables are the main thing, we cancel and return home quite loaded with the bags but satisfied because we buy everything missing in my home.
Siempre le doy gracias a Dios por lo poco o mucho que pone en mis manos, sin duda me encantó hacer estas compras, a pesar de la cantidad de gente comprando comida para sus hogares. Espero que a ustedes les guste y le mando muchos besos y bendiciones 🤗
I always thank God for the little or much he puts in my hands, I certainly loved doing these shopping, despite the amount of people buying food for their homes. I hope you like it and I send you many kisses and blessings
Todas las fotos capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.
Banner editado en Canva en su versiĂłn Pro.