The baptism

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Then Jesus came to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. (Matthew 3:13)

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By baptism we understand the immersion of the believer in the waters. There is a great difference between Christian and Catholic baptism.
For Catholics, baptism deserves a godfather and godmother, and the baptized is an innocent child in the presence of a priest.
While Christian baptism consists of putting the believer in the waters through a pastor, this believer does it by faith, dying for the world and living for Christ.

Baptism is based on faith, believing that we are clean from that moment and that we are now new creatures, of course, the baptized shows his repentance and seeks a change in him.

The only requirement to be baptized is to believe in Christ, so those who are not baptized invite you to see baptism as a great act of faith and not as a commitment.