Thoughts on the Current Zeitgeist

in News & Views3 years ago (edited)


Just a quick post this time about some thoughts that have been in the back of my mind for a little while now , with all the current crazy happenings in the world today. So , this is more of a views post than a news post this time.

In today's world it seems to come so easily for some to pass judgement on others, especially if they have opposing or differing views. Which , in my opinion is definitely not the way forward. The reason we do progress is precisely because of differing views and ideas(Provided of course, one isn't blaming or shaming a race or group of people for this or that). If people didn't ever think of any new or different ideas, we wouldn't get anywhere.

We have to try our best to treat others with kindness and compassion. Believe it or not , it is possible to do that with someone you disagree with. Which brings me to what was in the back of my mind for a while.

Regarding medical professionals and/or the medical field in general, If you feel the need to pass judgement on a patient because they don't see things exactly the way you do or they don't want to do exactly what you want them to , then I'm sorry but, you should NOT be working in the medical field. I understand from your perspective you are trying to do what you think is best , and it must be very frustrating not being able to help someone in the way you think is best. But , you can't force something on someone. You CANNOT take away choice.

People have to be able to choose what is best for them. Otherwise what the hell kind of world are we living in? What the hell kind of world will we be living in if people allow this kind of behaviour to stand or continue? Where others can force you to do things against your will? Have people really thought about the future consequences of this? I don't know , but I have a feeling you aren't going to like it , whatever "side" you are on or whichever stance you take.

I happen to believe that the tide is starting to turn towards a more reasonable and/or rational view , and I certainly hope that that is the case.

Just my two sats , and I'm sticking to it :)


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