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RE: How did she do it? Eng & Spa

  1. heheh I would say - currently - my level of resilience is a firm 10!

But I'm not exactly sure that I LIKE THAT. hahahahaha Because there are so many times when I just want to stop - and give up - and forget all about it! (whatever "it" happens to be at the time!)

But... I don't. I seem to not be born with the gene to give up/quit LOL So - even when I don't want to - I try again!

  1. Hmmm I think this will not be answered until I die. hehe Because I continue to strive forward. I haven't achieved them yet, but I will not stop because (well, because see point 1) LOL

  2. I would like to say money. Money is what I think I would like - to achieve them. hehehe But do I need it? no. of course not. Money just tends to make things easier - but money does not make them happen. We make them happen (through God's favor and blessing!)

going to leave you a little message in DM now! hehehe