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RE: My Dance Card is Full

I love when you go down memory lane in posts,. especially when the memory is tied to mine!! because it's like sitting down with a friend and not just looking at a photo album together but looking at THEIR photos taken...I get to see those memories through their lens and what they chose to cherish and it brings a whole new deeper degree of appreciation for me!!

haha I guess that's kinda the point of the 4 gospels! I never thought of it that way!!! but each one carries the personal touch of each author and what stood out to them most of all hehehe

1/21/31/02... as of the time I hit send on this comment hahahhaa


I love the memories that are tied to you. They are precious and beautiful. And I love this take on the gospels :-) Is this the latest I have ever replied to a message from you?? eek!!! I'm replying to all the comments on this post this evening... finally. I have one other post that I know I need to review and reply to comments. I love you, Ms Dreems. #dreemerforlife #alwaysthebeginning !LUV