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RE: Friendship,Distance, Time zones and Nostalgia

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 months ago

Kind regards @ibbtammy
You share with us the longing and evocation of true friendship. And is that friends are one of the most precious gifts that life gives us, because they resemble and share with you affinities, with whom always happen things to reasure. It is inevitable that everyone goes their own way, generating distance, is to build life, but the strong emotional bond will last forever. Cultivate and fertilize the ground, be pampering in the details in virtuality, always express your immense love for them, surprise them with caresses of attention, solidarity and understanding, so the bond will remain alive and expectant and perhaps at the most unexpected moment the joy of the reunion face to face will arise.
Thank you for your contribution to our community and we take this opportunity to invite you to our weekly calls, we leave you the link of the current one in case you wish to participate Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community Health and wellness for you and yours !LUV

Saludos cordiales @ibbtammy
Compartes con nosotros el anhelo y la evocación de la verdadera amistad. Y es que los amigos son uno de los regalos más preciados que nos da la vida, porque se parecen y comparten contigo afinidades, con los que siempre pasan cosas para atesorar. Es inevitable que cada uno siga su camino, generando distancia, es construir la vida, pero el fuerte vínculo afectivo perdurará para siempre. Cultiva y abona el terreno, sé mimo en los detalles en la virtualidad, expresa siempre tu inmenso amor por ellos, sorpréndeles con caricias de atención, solidaridad y comprensión, así el vínculo se mantendrá vivo y expectante y quizás en el momento más inesperado surja la alegría del reencuentro cara a cara.
Gracias por tu aporte a nuestra comunidad y aprovechamos para invitarte a nuestras convocatorias semanales, te dejamos el link de la actual por si deseas participar Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.


Awwwwww dearest @marilour this was so lovely and thoughtful. You've said it all my dearest friend and I'll try to do all that you have said.

Thank you so much for your kind words, you are amazing😃

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community

I’ll definitely check it out, thank you.