
hahahhahaa someone just came to check out DreemPort after being introduced to it 7 months ago! hehehe

and she was not whipped with a wet noodle for waiting so long.. on the contrary...we were thrilled that we popped into her head after all that time and that she came to visit!

she ended up writing a beautiful review.of our site since she was so impressed! hehehe

she actually expected something different and was pleasantly surprised that it was more than she realized!!! hehehe

so here is what I'll say to you.....when you do let your curiosity bring you to our shores....heheheh know that you will be welcomed!!! and it will be exactly the right time for you to check it out! hahaha

(and like I told the other person...there is no obligation to use it daily either! use it as you see fit for your own needs!!!). 🤗