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RE: A Day of Reflection: Happy Birthday To Me

Oh...God , so its a full circle, and there's been change...been growing...

Happiness is within. glad you got lot of love and support in hive to keep you well!!

Your posts are interesting because they are intropective and about your journey in life, and its positive mostly... and its inspires one to love and be happy, I mean it and there is some wisdom there as well!!

Atleast you don't feel too old, every birthday all of us feel awful coz we are getting older, 24 is still a ripe and young age. Wishing you all the best to do want you can in your world to make yours and others life better...

Belated Birthday wishes!!


I do feel old actually, I also feel like I haven't achieved a lot but I try to look to the future and be hopeful.

Thank you so much for your well wishes, I appreciate it.

Well... things take time. Work towards your goals someday you would achieve what your meant to should follow Jay Shetty motivator, he is on youtube...