What is a good life? : Personal idea and thoughts

in ThoughtfulDailyPost9 months ago (edited)


Good day hive world how's your day going? How's your life these past few days? Are you doing well? I'm hoping you guys are fine. In this blog I will share with you my own definition and thoughts of a good life so have fun reading and enjoy.

Before we proceed, I would like to remind you that every statement that I have provided is only my idea and thoughts, some statements will appear confusing and might not match your own definition of having a good life.


Let us dig deeper

Recently, I have been having difficulties making my self happy and I often find my self sitting in quiet place and thinking about complicated questions, suddenly a good question appeared in my mind –what is a good life? This question made me more excited as it contains billions of answers from different people. That simple question urged me to think of a good answer and I decided to write a text and share it with you guys.

I used a simple method in order for me to provide a good answer which is breaking down the question into pieces and understanding it step by step. I provided another question to provide a solid answer to the highlighted question.


What are the things that can make a person happy?

Well, you are wondering why I used this as a backup question to the highlighted one, it is because happiness is an important ingredient of having a good life. There are numerous factors that can make a person happy but we will only focus to some common factors.


Yes, you read it right, money is also a factor of happiness, I know some of you will disagree about it so I have provided my own explanation and thoughts about it. In this era, human minds becomes more practical and seek more ways to earn bundles of money, but why? Well, money has the power to solve a problem, I'm not saying all of them. With money we are able to purchase our needs and wants that helps us to obtain pleasures and contentment. Just a reminder that money only provides temporary happiness and solve a few problems but it can't save you all the time.


(Photo taken by a friend)


A positive circle of friends

Having a positive circle is another factor of happiness, they are the one that makes you laugh till your stomach hurts, they are also there whenever you are having difficulties dealing with your problems. Another reminder that this people only gives temporary happiness not a lifetime happiness.




Among all the factors this is what I consider as one the main source of happiness. Our journey in life begins with our family, we grew up creating good memories with them. Our family is one of the main source of happiness it can give happiness for a long period of time.

Now it is time for me to share my answer towards the highlighted question –what is a good life?–


What is a good life?

A lot of people define good life as having a luxurious lifestyle, having a Lamborghini or a BMW in their garage, living in a million dollars house or what so ever, in my point of view wealth does not give a perfect life although it gives extreme happiness to some people. Yes it's true that it gives extreme happiness but not for a lifetime, what is wealth when you don't have a peace of mind? What is wealth when you have a lot of enemies?

On my point of view a good life is having a serenity from within and a peace of mind, I know your wondering why so I have provided a good statement.

It's much better to live in a simple house that can at least eat three times a day and not distracted with all the negativities in life rather than living a lavish lifestyle and having confusion, fear, hatred and unchecked desire. A good life is having a serenity and peace in our heart and mind, having no enemies and having a lot of friends.


In addition, a good life is an independent, peaceful , financial stable and happy life. By any chance kindly provide your own definition of a good life in the comment section below, it would be a pleasure if I get the chance to read your personal statement.

Thank you so much for reading, I am hoping you are having a good time reading my blog have a good life today and tomorrow, merry Christmas, advance happy new year and God bless


Thanks @penflecto for sharing your genuine ideas about good life.All you mentioned above could make life good.Just want to add living life with God's love I think is the the most perfect of all❤️🙏🙏🙏

@lovinglymers indeed, having a good connection with him makes life more happy ❤️ have a nice day

Yes,@penflecto that's really good!❤️Always connect to God to have a happy life🙏🙏🙏Have a nice day,too🙂

Thank you for your brilliant ideas of what is a good life @penflecto. Yes, it's true that we should have all that we need: the money, the family, the circle of trusted and caring friends, and the peace of mind.

But, I would like to add. We should have the good relationship with our Creator because he always wants us to live happily but should be "according to His Will."

Thank you for sharing, sir.

Your welcome @natsve54 ❤️ yes we should have a good relationship with him ❤️ have a nice day

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Thank you so much @hivebuzz it is a pleasure to have you in my journey in this community ❤️❤️ happy Christmas

Merry Christmas to you and your family @penflecto 🎅

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You have a point, @penflecto. Some of the things that you've mentioned above, are a big contribution of having a good life, it is one of the ingredients. However, don't forget that in order to have a good life, we have to search the very important spice— contentment.

Yes! Well said @douceink thank you for reminding me about that have a good life❤️


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