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RE: Music as a crutch, and some mental health musings

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago


Wonderful post... certainly right in line with @ablaze and the #threetunetuesday! I too love music. Used to play drums in a band. Well... before life and MS got in the way. I have a 4 song demo, a Tama drum tuning key, and of course... memories. But at the end of the day, music really is the universal language. I am still working on "whatever" for our trailer... and trying to stay caught up; not enough time in one day! Your ending message here... I want to highlight this:

"Is it the answer to your problems? Of course not, but it can't hurt. We get to make choices everyday about how we perceive or face things we encounter. Shaking it up can provide a harvest of benefits we may not anticipate, so I encourage everyone to try something new today! Dance, communicate, do the rock! Go on an adventure and unmask some monsters, life is short."

You know I try to be everywhere... both in my offline world, as well as in it. I think you are in many of the places I am, in regards to the blockchain/discord world. If you hadn't seen/heard... there's this cool new initiative going...

Say it with me...


I am sure as you think, "Hey Wes! That's not spelled right!". That's correct! So you probably know who might be behind it! Anyway... Thank you for continuing to use my TAG! Hope you are having a good day today!! Oh!! Here is a tune for you!!



Thank you for taking the time to leave this wonderful comment Wes ❤️ I know with your great attitude, and I can only imagine A1 karma, things will sort themselves out before too long with the trailer! Still, you and your family are often in my thoughts, I can't imagine how stressful this must be (with stress being the last thing you need)!

Taking time to #speekpeece is definitely on my mind, I'm critically behind in all my day-to-day tasks, so next week will probably be easier for me to fully participate... but I love the idea of a daily check in M-TH, hive Naija, and spreading balancing ideas!

I appreciate you sharing your fun tune too, you always share very interesting music :) hugs to you, I hope you have an awesome day as well 😁⭐️

Aw man @wesphilbin, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
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