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RE: A very Khoola disorder :)

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago


"Writing this to relieve some stress, get my head in the right direction, and most of all because Stayten said I would get the most awesome badge when I post here."

Well... you can't always believe, everything that guy says! (Kidding of course!!). Your post resonates... I am sure it does so, with many people. Not only here, on the blockchain. But in life in general. We learn a lot from our parents... and my Mom (still does to this day) said, "I'm sorry" quite a bit. So of course, I too, said it a lot. I still do, but now it is said in a different way. Sorry, with an understanding of knowing how to make things better... Make things more positive... I could go on and on, but I won't. (sorry!! haha). Let me just tell you this... your energy is very in-line, with what my mindset was for my community. Keep spreading this positive energy, and know you are welcome to post in my community anytime...


!LUV !WINE @tipu curate !LOLZ


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Thank you very much. I would love to post here :)