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RE: 1. How Japanese Overlords Understand American History?

in HISTORY3 months ago

Fascinating post! I am greatly intrigued by the comparison of the incipient collapse of the American empire with the collapse of the Galactic empire in the Foundation series. I very much see the parrallel, and have long and enthusiastically espoused the concept of creating independent production capacity to build a free and prosperous society in the wake of the ongoing collapse - exactly as the Foundation does in Asimov's work.

I find your understanding very insightful, and quite agree.

"Japanese overlords studied the history of @valued-customer's ancestors and became convinced that their coexistence with @valued-customer was impossible!"

I am sure we can co-exist, as long as they give up their desire to rule. I can co-exist with any peers who can pull their economic weight, but will not tolerate attempts to impose rulers on me, because I am sovereign.


 3 months ago  

I am sure we can co-exist, as long as they give up their desire to rule. I can co-exist with any peers who can pull their economic weight, but will not tolerate attempts to impose rulers on me, because I am sovereign.

Dear my respected senior @valued-customer !
I believe you understand why King Herod tried to kill Jesus!
I remember that Judas Iscariot committed suicide after betraying Jesus!
Judas chose to commit suicide rather than ask Jesus for forgiveness.

I am well aware that Japan's overlords are still trying to break away from the domination of civilians@valued-customer!😆

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit and Beelzebub cannot coexist.

A famous Japanese Buddhist monk predicted that although civilians@valued-customer are currently atheists, they will eventually reveal their true nature as dangerous Christian fanatics!😆

Conclusion, I dangerously imagine that the eternal war between civilians@valued-customer and Japanese overlords will last until Jesus comes again!

I hope you understand my awkward and rude American elementary school style English!

I am no Atheist.

I may be a fanatic, though.

Edit: I prefer robust discussions to war, personally.

 3 months ago  

Dear @valued-customer !

I remember that in America atheists and even Satanists can live freely!😃
However, all American civilians have an obligation to obey America's orders and go to all wars.

East Asians, including the Japanese, remember that American history began with war!
Especially since I have the foolish belief that you will forever be at war with America and its overlords around the world!😆

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By the way, I remember you said you don't go to Christian church!
Joseph @joeyarnoldvn , who lives in Oregon, is a Baptist.
Steve attends a non-denominational church.
I go to a Presbyterian church.

I thought you were a Christian who didn't go to church.
Or Freemasons and Unitarians?

I believe Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses are heretics!

I do not attend church services, read religious texts (anymore), nor often pray in words. Any spiritual being competent to hear my prayers has no need of me articulating them. No institution isn't quickly and thoroughly infiltrated with malevolent persons intending to profit from the members, and this particularly includes churches. I can empathize with Thos. Jefferson, who cut out the words of Jesus from Bibles he owned and compiled them into a document he studied, today called the Jefferson Bible, because I have found little or nothing to criticize in those words - but I am not convinced of the factual nature of the existence of their speaker, and the magical claims ascribed to Jesus I consider evidence of pure fiction.

I am not entirely convinced that Vespasian used Josephus to produce the New Testament, but circumstantial evidence of that thesis is strong. I am incompetent to authoritatively judge these matters, and enough of them have been proved fraudulent, such as the plagiarism that produced Genesis and outright fiction that produced Daniel, that I have little interest in them. I have useful and potentially factual matters to consider, rather than wasting my meager intellectual capacity on propaganda designed to create violent zealots to empower wannabe overlords seeking to conquer empires, or the lesser benefits common cult leaders are often proved to criminally abuse (usually harems of pubescent women and financial fortunes).

I find my spirit most tranquil and receptive innawoods, and find guidance from a spiritual agency competent to speak to my heart there, rather than from demonstrable and known falsehoods claimed by demagogues demanding fealty and worship, which all churches and religious authorities seem to be. Anyone demanding worship is a psychopathic narcissist and demonstrably evil, which makes them my enemy. I believe you would better trust in your spirit and good nature than proven lies and psychopaths, but generally find it best to leave you to your business and avoid this discussion. You have rather pressed the matter, so I have answered you truthfully, but I suspect you are unprepared to accept such a reformation of your mind, as you have not experienced total destruction of your life as I have.

Only utter destruction of all you have ever cared about and everything you have ever owned can deliver you a mind prepared to honestly rid itself of illusions. I would not wish that on you, my friend. I am sure you would rather live in happiness than suffer the torments that preface acceptance of factual truth. I know I would have gladly remained ignorant and happy than to have attained such enlightenment as I have suffered.
