"Some East Asian scholars argue that Aryans and East Asians were originally one race that diverged genetically."
Well, it's pretty hard to argue that H. sapiens didn't arise from a source and then diverge into the range of ethnic groups we find today. I tend to agree with many Asian researchers that, since Sapiens diverged from Neanderthals, and Neanderthals never set foot in Africa, the origin of Sapiens occurred in Eurasia, and not Africa. There's a lot of fossil evidence, backed up by aDNA lately, that no 'Out of Africa' dispersal of Sapiens occurred, but that the Toba eruption drove Sapiens from S. Asia into the refuge of Africa, where the ~6m of volcanic ash that buried S. Asia hardly had any effect at all.
There are Sapiens, or very closely related hominin remains, found in the Harbin region long before Toba, and these expressed traits found today in Asiatic Sapiens populations. That fact disproves that Sapiens arose in Africa and only long after the Harbin populations had died out did forebears of modern people reach the Harbin region.
The Petr and Posth papers that examined the Y DNA of Sapiens and Neanderthals, as well as the mtDNA of those populations, published in 2017 and 2020, showed that Sapiens Y DNA completely replaced Neanderthal Y DNA long before the Toba eruption, and Sapiens mtDNA also completely replaced Neanderthal mtDNA prior to Toba. There's just no way that could have happened if Sapiens were confined to Africa prior to the Toba eruption.
These events happened between ~500kya and ~100kya, and Toba didn't pop until ~73kya.
The Afanasievo culture was much more recent, long after the Younger Dryas that ended ~11kya. At that time Sapiens had diversified into several basal ethnic groups that we observe comprise modern populations today. Certainly the Proto Indo Europeans arose on the Steppes, or north of them in Siberia and then flourished in the Steppes. This people would be the forebears of Aryans, Scythians, and the Tarim Basin culture. There were at that time Asian populations, both the SE Asian and the N Asian branches. After the PIE explosion from the Steppes Asian people exploded back across the Steppes, and replaced the Aryan peoples that had settled there. The usual practice of conquering forces is to put the men to the sword and take the women as wives and servants/slaves, so finding the genes of conquered people in the subsequent generations right up to modern populations is expected.
Also, I note you haven't any interesting observations of recent events in E. Asia, that I am very interested in. I sure wish I were availed eye witness reports as to recent events there, but all I have to go on are worthless propaganda from the enemedia that I know are lying to me.
Anyway, I have a lot more reading to do to feel like I have well understood the migrations of cultures, ethnic groups, and human species. I doubt I'll ever feel I have a good understanding, given the scarcity of high quality evidence of human migrations from ~500kya to the Younger Dryas, and while we have more evidence after the YD, the genetic evidence remains difficult to interpret. While all that research into human origins and the ebb and flow of cultures is very interesting, I think current events require close attention today, and this is why I hope for eye witness reports from the very rapidly changing situation in E. Asia.
Dear @valued-customer !
I'm surprised that you're so interested in the current political situation in S. Korea!😯
Currently, Koreans are divided into those who support Chinese communism and those who support American and Japanese capital, and are engaged in a confrontation!
I'm curious to know what field you want to know about. I'll help you to the best of my ability!😄
The Guardian seems to side with the opposition to President Yoon, stating Friday, Jan 3, that "Yoon is responding to a political crisis of his making with the same qualities he used to confront striking doctors and resist calls for an investigation into scandals surrounding his wife, Kim Keon Hee – with a defiance that borders on arrogance." They call him 'ultra-conservative'. Is that fair, or are they calling him an extremist because he's preventing extreme Leftists from subjugating S. Korea to Chinese Communism?
The confrontation between Communists and Capitalists coming to such a flash point seems very important to the future of S. Korea, and I have wondered at the lack of comment by you, who has much at stake in that confrontation, and whose opinion is surely worth more than dozens of feckless reporters in commercial libel production offices like the Guardian.
The seeming impotence of the military, whose weapons appeared to be empty of ammunition in December, and of the CIO and police, who have failed to arrest President Yoon despite having a warrant, are confusing and difficult to interpret by people that are not intimately familiar with S. Korean politics, powers, and traditions. Are these things just for show? Were these serious efforts to prevent Parliament from meeting, or to make the arrest, or just pretenses expected of these forces they only undertook half-heartedly for show? Is President Yoon arrogant and reckless, or has swift action to prevent S. Korea from being reduced to a pawn of China due to the machinations of S. Korean Communists been necessary? Is the Dong-a editorial speaking the truth when it says "극단적 지지층에 기대는 윤 대통령의 행태는 부끄러움을 넘어 참담한 수준이다."?
My own father, who died a few years ago, fought as a Sailor of the US Navy in the Korean war that eventually divided Korea between North and South. Did his legacy and struggle help your people to be free, or did he forcibly separate them and help make them Western puppets?
These questions, and more that are likely to be blatantly apparent to you on the ground, surround these recent momentous events for me, and perhaps many others that know the peoples of the region and Peninsula have an ancient and storied history, but are unfamiliar with it, and do not know what is going on there today, you are uniquely in a position to address amongst my acquaintances. Yet you have failed to address it. Is it unimportant, merely a political show? Is it too dangerous for you to comment? Could your statements be held against you later if one party or another prevails?
Perhaps start there, and let me know if I put you in a difficult position by asking for your eyewitness reports and informed opinion, so that I will relent and allow you to negotiate your safe passage through dangerous political shoals.