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RE: Finally a skincare routine that works for me

I honestly just heard about The Inkey List on @wolfofnostreet post, they aren’t quite popular here. Nice to see that there’s also cheaper alternatives that works, I thought The Ordinary is the cheapest but decent one. Happy to hear it works for you :D

Damn we have opposite, I have really oily nose. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with a dry nose so I didn’t think that’s possible


My skin is terrible it took a while to understand what was the best product… most of the products that you use will just make my skin more red and dry lol! After watching some youtube channels i learned a bit more… i recommend looking for dr dray and cassandra bankston( she has also a oily skin and uses a lot the ordinary)

I watch Cassandra too and she helped me a lot with understanding as well! That must have been really terrible buying something and turns out it irritates you :/

The Ordinary is cheaper than the Inkey List over here but every store I checked was out of stock. But I think Inkey List is great and affordable too.