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RE: Relatos de una paciente con Cáncer [ ESP][ ENG]

in Catarsis2 years ago

And now I ask you, have you ever stopped to think what goes through the mind of someone with cancer?

Yes, unfortunately. Life is unpredictable and sometimes you can't escape situations like that. Dealing with such news is never easy, some do it better than others, but if you're given such news, you have no choice but deal with it.

If that's you on the photo, then I wish you all the best and especially courage and strength. Enjoy every moment of life!


It is good when there are people who, regardless of the situation, try to be empathetic, and indeed you are right, these are situations that we have to live and we have no choice but to process and continue. A bitter pill that not everyone takes in the best way. Yes, the one in the picture is me 💗 Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.