Gardening Update: rabbit invasion edition


It's spring and the rabbits are doing what they do!

Every year they come have babies under our woodshed and leave us to raise them 🤣 The one above is an adult (maybe the mother or father idk!). To the left you can see at the bottom corner of the woodshed there is a little hole and that's where the babies come out to eat a few times a day.

The big ones are pretty friendly and curious and will come pretty close but I can't get too close to the little ones, they are a bit skittish so I can only show you a pic from far away for now. I don't know how many there are and I can't tell them apart so I call all the little ones MARSHMALLOW>


They are super adorable and make my heart melt but they are also being garden pests. One of them spent like 5 days in a row chewing our garden netting to get in. I have caught him in the act multiple times. It's definitely a love/hate relationship 0_0

You can see him in this video I uploaded to twitter trying to eat my SUNFLOWER sprouts:

On the garden side, spring has been very hot and then very cold!

So far I have my garlic going that we planted last fall, it's looking very strong! We planted around 65 cloves so I'm hoping we get at least 60 garlic <3


So far as far as harvesting we have only had chives, parsley, mustard greens, oregano and radish, I have also foraged some wild mint and violets for tea!



We've also been growing radish greens for salads which is working very well, they are nice and bouncy:

Our summer plants are partially in and some are still in pots waiting to be transplanted. Lots of squash, beans, tomatoes, peas etc. popping up!

As I am writing this it is kind of chilly but the night temps are changing and it's getting warmer so hopefully everything pops soon I can't wait :)

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There is little time left for the transplant and you will have plenty!!!! I love seeing the garden, it's beautiful!😍

I have pretty much everything transplanted now, hope we don't get any freaky cold nights 🙏

I hope so! Before when I lived in Argentina I had a big garden, now in Spain I don't, but I hope to have it again. I had my own vegetable garden!

The picture of this rabbit made me remember when we used to have a cute white rabbit in my house but not anymore
Your garden is beautiful though

Thanks, I had a pet rabbit too as a kid but he didn't live very long :/