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RE: UI/UX Journey - My First Clickable Prototype

in Hive Naija2 months ago

Your coach is right. Baby steps are best as it is better to make sure your fundamentals are rock solid. I agree about the thrill one feels to see something comes to life, and I can imagine your happiness. You are proceeding in the right direction and very soon you will be spinning webs of connections with as much ease as @abenad knits or crochets all her impossible designs. Looking forward to all the wonderful work you are going to put out for a better user experience.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Aww this melted my heart,thanks @brijwhiz

I am just pointing out facts :)

Thank you so much☺️☺️ your comments have been so helpful right from day 1 I shared my journey. I really appreciate ☺️