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RE: The Bane of the Nigerian Society

in Hive Naija2 months ago

While I agree with most of the grievances numerated here, I don’t agree with the part of power supply. We know that the PHCN are extorting more than is needed from the masses. I am a living witness of their cruelty. They make more than enough to provide 24/7 power supply and it has been voiced even by the current president. Transformers should be free. The Power Holding Company of Nigeria is just another private organisation that makes their fat from the sweat and blood of the masses.

Sadly, Nigerians just making life hard for fellow Nigerians.


I can tell you for a fact that there are places in this country that do enjoy 24 hours power supply because I have witness them. There is a line called federal line and the power rarely goes out.

If you are also lucky to live in a company area especially oil and gas, you will enjoy this privileges. The electricity bill they pay is never same compared to places with epileptic power supply. I say this from experience because I have lived in both worlds.

Before now, in my former compound, we were paying a Thousand Naira monthly for electricity. The bill was coming Eighteen to Twenty thousand Naira estimated, we were Eight and we will share it 1k each amounting to 8k, the remaining 10 or 12k will enter backlog. So many estimated bills has backlog amounting to millions.

While I know the DISCOS like every capitalist are profit oriented, the consumers are not innocent and should not be exonerated because it takes two to tangle.

During the time we pay 1k each for power, the electricity was beyond epileptic as we rarely see it. Before I left the compound, when we started having electricity, we started paying 5k each instead of 1k and the accumulated bill increased to 40k. You must clear all the bill else the disconnect your light. During that time, we were having at least 12hours power supply then.

You see? the more the tariff paid, the higher the hours of power supplied.

Similarly, my friend was complaining how he pays 30k monthly for electricity and I ask him how many hours? he said the power never goes out. I now asked him to calculate the cost of petrol or diesel in running generation back to back let us check something. He immediately realized that power is by far cheaper.

The President is saying what exactly? is He better than the electrical distribution company he condemns?

The thing is the rich will ALWAYS get richer at the expense of the poor. Hence Herbert Spencer postulated the survival of the fittest theory.