Maybe it mattered and I didn't know

in Hive Naija29 days ago


What we will encounter next on our journey through life is entirely unknown to us. We may plan everything meticulously today, but tomorrow could bring something entirely different, contrary to our plans. I'm not saying that the things we expect or work towards won't materialize; they often do. However, life has a way of throwing curveballs, effortlessly jeopardizing even the best-laid plans.

There was a friend, a virtual friend, with whom I was very close. We talked almost every day, through calls and chats. We met during the lockdown in a WhatsApp group chat that I owned, where we sought to earn money online.
Oh! She could have been here, writing on this blockchain, if we hadn't gone our separate ways because she was writing on other platforms that I wrote before this one...I introduced her.

We were good friends, with all the lovey-dovey talks, and she loved attention, which I happily gave her. However, a time came when her demands for attention began to interfere with my blogging. It was challenging for me to ask her to reduce her calls because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. You know how women can react when they feel you're pushing them away, right? Yes, I was afraid of that because I don't like it when someone does that to me, so I try not to do it to anyone else.

That was the issue, and after a long while, I devised a method to reduce her clinginess, just enough for me to focus on my online work. There's one thing she hated so much, which was not adding romantic titles to our chats, like "dear," "babe," "ma," "sweetheart," etc. She had queried me about it several times, and her last warning was quite comical to me. She said she would block my number if I messaged her without adding any of those romantic terms.

I love to put things into practice, so I decided to do just that at that moment. One morning, I woke up and sent her a simple "Hi, good morning" message. The message double clicked, indicating she was online. I waited for her to read and reply, but nothing came. The next thing I knew, her profile picture disappeared... she had blocked me.

Surprisingly, I didn't feel bad about it. I was actually happy because I was finally getting some space to myself. I thought she might unblock me later in the day and flood my life with numerous messages, but she didn't. I noticed it in the evening. I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up. When I dialed her number again, I found out I had been blocked as well.

It was so laughable because I don't have much experience in relationships, and I was wondering if this is how they usually do in relationships. We weren't even in a romantic relationship, yet she was acting this way.

To cut a long story short, we eventually talked when she unblocked me after like two weeks, but the flow of our conversation wasn't the same as it used to be, and our little friendship died along the way.

Thanks for reading.
This is my entry to Hivenaija prompt of the week

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She is so dramatic because why would she act that way when you are not involved in a romantic relationship with her.

It's best it ended that way bro and you sound really unbothered since she was becoming a burden already. Thanks for participating in this Hivenaija weekly prompt.

Ladies and drama are 5&6.
Each time I remember that, laughs come out😂

It's good it ended.

Thank you boss.

@george-dee! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (16/20)

Sounds like unrequited love to me. Perhaps she thought you were genuinely interested in her and that it was leading to something more. You could understand then how she may have felt. It seems that you just wanted to be friends, so it was probably for the best that it ended. It's hard when one person starts to have feelings for the other and the feeling isn't mutual. It's not always possible to go back to just being friends. May you both go on to meet the person of your dreams!

I read your post through Dreemport this evening.


You said it all.
It's obvious she wanted more of us but I was far away with my thought.
Although I feel the pain of our disconnection once in a while, I know it happened for a reason.

May you both go on to meet the person of your dreams!

Thank you so much

Not we (guys) giving our best when it comes to a female friend or a partner and later being replaced like nothing happened
Honestly what are females made of .

It's the replacement for me.

Girls issue eeeh, may God help them 😂

Thank you for stopping by

Your welcome 🤗

so funny, imagine if she can treat her friend that way, her boyfriend will get double and it could be she was already crushing on you, girls with that attitude only do it to guys they are interested in....

Crushing on me?
I need to go and get her back because I haven't met anyone crushing on before. Lol😂

Thank you boss

@burlarj! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (17/20)

Some ladies are like that, they want the whole attention on themselves, this attention thing can be tiring, and most times it feels like a huge burden while others cherish it all their heart.

I feel so good reading what you ladies are saying against her act.

I wish all of you are not like someone you love. Lol😂

Thank you for stopping by.

@young-tari! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (18/20)

Ladies and their wahala. She is actually funny, what you did was okay, at least you got what you needed.

Hahahaha 😂

Ladies are full of funny wahala 😂

Thank you for stopping by

@vickiee! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (1/20)

This thing is funny
What’s wrong with hi, good morning?🤣🤣
Ah such a dramatic lady. But on the other side, what if that was your soul mate and you just left her go?🤣 because of common babe you had to add


If she's meant to be mine, she's going to come back one day. Yeah, just one day.

The lady is too dramatic. She's representing your gender very well

@abenad! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (12/20)

 29 days ago  

Ahn! When she is not your wife? Ha! Omoh… that’s one way to go about killing friendship. You all stay apart with little to no communication for weeks? Yeah right. Nothing will remain the same.

Ahn! When she is not your wife?

Just imagine that! A virtual/ghost friend for that matter 😂.

Staying off communication is the easiest way to kill a bond.

Thank you for stopping by.

@deraaa! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (2/20)

My gender and our silly attitude sometimes is hilarious. Maybe she's the last born and the only girl in the family, most of them cherish appellations.

I wanted to buy you a bottle of beer for being very honest about your gender and the last born part of it, but you don't look like someone that sip beer😂.

This gender, their problem is too much. They keep bringing out and innovating them 😂
Thank you for stopping by.

@d-honeyb! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (1/20)

😂 😂 You already paid for the beer anyways. I'm grateful @kingsleyy My gender is innovative. Thanks for the compliment 😊😊

I meant real beer.

I hope you're not like her sha. That's how most ladies behave when they're in love

Well, I'm not oh. You can call me my name in a special way sha not the titles abeg and it's not a must.

Special way?
Stressing the d-hoooooooneeeeeeey? 😂

 29 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Thank goodness she blocked you , atleast you had more time to focus on work 😂😂. She actually did you a favor.
Some people are just too clingy ( both genders) they feel like your world revolve around them, it's just too silly.
If it were someone you had genuine feelings for, I bet you'd have been heartbroken.