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RE: They Intend To Kill 12 out of 13 people. Are We Just Now, Entering Stage 2 of VAXXX Deaths?

If this was a sci-fi thriller, the "heroes" would be devising a test for the "infected" and then killing them off, or building a city with no one allowed in who is tainted.

But, we don't have that, because most of the people in charge are in the "denial" camp, and the others are bribed followers of the [KM].

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the VAXXXed will not reproduce much, if at all.
There will be a real shortage of women who can get preggers and carry a child to term.
So, they have self-selected themselves out of the gene pool.
Now we just have to avoid the zombie apocalypse.

Something i don't write about much is that the earth is going to help out with breaking up the govern-cements. Storms, volcanoes, earthquakes. So, where you go, should consider those first of all.

The area in the states that will be safest, right now, will be AZ, NM and little bits into the states above.

Be careful of the Colorado, i have premonitions of the ocean going all the way to the Grand Canyon.


I would maybe try to go to the Sky Islands area close to Tucson but all the people spilling out of Tucson in that scenario there would probably be too many people. Maybe the Chiricahua's close to New Mexico.