Dear Facegram friends and Instabook followers

in Informationwar4 months ago (edited)


Dear Facegram friends and Instabook followers,

There was a point in starting to market myself as a musician that in order to be accessible as a service whether for spiritual purpose or generally for musicianship that I believed it necessary to participate in the culture of narcissism in this present decaying state of the human collective consciousness.

I now see clearly that this is not the case.

I apologize for toying with the idea that it was necessary.

I had planned to do regular social updates etc in conjunction with all the events we have planned - When I was working at the dairy recently in order to get the funds needed for advertising - I dropped my fancy phone and the screen cracked. I have taken it to a dozen different places and left it at two for a day - the phone I have has a lot of very specific models and the screens they had were not the exact right one so both times they returned the phone in pieces.

As result - I now use two phones - old pieces of junk in order to get the basics of marketing done - bar the constant broadcast and self-surveillance that might be perceived necessary to market such a ream of events.

It was a gift from the universe that I dropped this fancy phone.

It has stopped me in my tracks to reassess my situation with this behemoth of media - I see clearly that NEVER is it ok to compromise on values in order to promote one's self even if it is for supposed spiritual purpose (especially not infact).

There is a certain level of self-marketing that is necessary to make the self accessible as a service for the all - but the line stops there - I apologize for losing my integrity in order to conform to what I thought was necessary.

Please allow me some grace - I will continue inline with principles that serve me and others - accessing these medias on my terms and not on terms set by algorithm values which are decided by trends implied and projected by big business and government.

I leave my history up as a doorway and a pathway for others to see how we can change - I don't seek to change the perception of the past - as without this record, there is nothing to reference from - it provides a level of accountability to the integrity I boast herein.

Having said this - we must also remember - social media is not a domain in our control - we may have profiles we think represent us but everything on the internet is entirely editable and laws are in place to allow this editing without your consent.

We must be vigilant.

In love,



most of the people sell their bodies on the internet for a bit more attention. and here for a few more hive.
the only thing social media can give you is total control.

It's no different to behaviour by anyone throughout the ages for different incentives. In this age - the incentive is centralized to one thing - attention. Attention is the commodity that then allows you to get money but attention is the incentive and not money. Energetic dependence in other ways has been evident throughout history - we are not alone in this multi-dimensional existence.

yes, i even find it totally funny that there are actually beings that follow and watch you every step of the way. now i don't find it scary anymore. The earth is always watching you, the archons, beings that support you and many more that we can't even name or will ever see. And then there are the beings who watch the whole spectacle from the outside and don't actively participate in it.
The earth a very special place.

Trotzdem sind die anderen Menschen, die auch so handeln, statt sich auf ihre eigene Entwicklung zu konzentrieren, ultra creepy.

Ist wohl das ultra-"soziale" worauf der Mensch allgemein konditioniert wurde.
Sowie vor allem der STÄNDIGE Vergleich.

Universe provides and guides

May the grace be with you!

Indeed it does and we still need to be relatable - so a nominal presence in a dignified way is important. Thanks for the sub!

I think that stepping back from social media as much as possible is a very good thing.

Probably just true

I certainly agree there - though my presence is deliberate and intentional - I don't wish to reach the freedom loving independent thinker - I wish to relate to the group. If I hide in a box, I can be independent in energy but I don't think that's why I am here in this earth. I can experience many beautiful facets of this amazing universe with simplicity that is certain.