IBT Survival Island - Regular Update

in IBT Survival Island10 months ago

In these weekly updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

Adventure Awaits


For part of our upcoming tutorial, we are releasing a small taste of what's to come with the gameplay IBT has to offer. This game has slowly shaped itself from a cheap rip off to a serious, crafting game, action, adventure RPG game.

Therefore we apologise to everyone that sanity had a strong hold on us developers for a while and we have now become our old sketchy way again thank goodness.
We are going to give you a mind bending trip into our little world of toilet fishing, collecting poo and keeping peoples soiled underwear but for good reasons. There are many other things about IBT but we don't want you to know about it. Or do we? Then again do you want to know about it? Nah

Stealing from the dead


With all the explosions going on from stopping the advancing army of Cassandra's some parts of the mountains have exposed ancient burial ruins. Full of goodies but it also looks like someone could have got there first. The ruins are full of searchable items such as various clay jars and coffins.

Another section of IBT done


This weeks been busy with IBT and we have made some mini puzzle parts that can be dragged and dropped into maps to be able to create our own unique mini dungeons or ruins just for little side quests while doing the main IBT quest.

The Journey will come soon


This project has had its ups and downs but we are trying so hard to get some more work out to be tested. It has been a long road but most of the code is finished and with a few more learning curves our hard work will be done and the rest will be fun!

Have a great week everyone that is this week's update done and dusted, so much work, so little time.

Cheers and enjoy our upgoats below, thanks to a @ryivhnn



Whenever I see these major updates I still wonder how the hell you got from what was essentially a MUD to this XD

It's just a 3D version of the same game - with some extras :)
@mattclarke said, if you are going to do it - do it right.

He didn't say it would take so long though haha