Call to Action: Misbranding

in Hive Governance4 years ago (edited)
Authored by @@growthacker

Hi Everyone! I'm brand new at Hive, willing to contribute to a better understanding that leads to an accelerated growth.

Based on my recent Hive landing experience, and +10 yrs experience with global brands business & strategic planning, I want to share my perceptions, learn and collaborate to build a strong Hive community. I think it's the right moment, the right people and the right technical architecture.

We (probably) are at the threshold of exponential growth.

Decentralized Social networks, blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency are on the hype. While Facebook, Google et al, are facing massive user information leaks, as well as privacy concerns, to be polite, creating discontent and distrustful users who may find a shelter here in blockchain communities.

Hive has momentum to strike through and leap to the next stage.

Most Hive brands are using the bees color pallete, but some are confusing. There is a lot clutter around Hive. The most differentiating asset is the isologo, which represents an opportunity to explode for Hive the ecosystem.

Here there is an opportunity to develop possible solutions or ideas to synergize with our platform satellites under the Hive master brand, the Hive world. Please, share yours.
separador2.pngImage made for me by @cre47iv3

1- The name is not the Brand.

A Hundred brands are named Hive, some of them within blockchain,software, or community development areas.
Minute Maid Global Brand System


Some basic branding findings:

2- Hive brand name is very cluttered, and has a lot of misbranding issues.

Source: My own. With public Hive logos.


Let's try a first web search of Hive, then "Hive Blockchain":

1-Mi first result in google is "Hive the productivity platform",
2-Thern there is a "Hive Blockchain Technologies" , a public company in Canada Switzerland and iceland.
3-Hive Apache a software company.

4-Lack of branded synergy across platform.

None of Hive dapps reference in any way to Hive platform.


Users can't see clearly what Hive is, and what is not. We have blurred limits, and our audience atomized through unbranded dapps. is using black, and within each dapp or site, there is no reference to hive.

5-We need to play the same song.

When all our platforms connote that they are part of the Hive platforms, our voice will sound coherent, and this clarity might facilitate newbies understanding, leveraging both master branding and each product branding.

Hive can be much more invitational, open, to help people enter the Hive world. Maybe through a simple claim we can invite people to join and be part of this movement, do you have one?

These findings must inspire the right people. Help me get the message to the proper audience.

Being decentralized implies to incur in some branding basic mistakes. If we aim to build a smart community, we'll find a way.
We need to be smart, we need to be hive!

Image made for me by @cre47iv3


Without any doubt a "must read" for every head of project on the hiveosphere

I will share it on twitter! Great topic to talk about, we already did, but in real person LOL

jaja Thank you @cre47iv3 you made it again!

This is so much valuable! Without cooperation we are losing on synergy effect possible to aquire by coordinated efforts. I just shared your post on the Twitter.

Decentralized doesn't have to mean chaotic.

Thank you @deepresearch
Looking forward to working together.

I want to invite to discuss things on our Discord

Thank you @fatimajunio !
Already connected.

Maybe you are interested to be part of Hive marketing team, kindly check the post of Dan

I couldn't agree more.

Most people who come to understand Hive will all admit that it was a major learning experience, and then more. Most people would never want to be bothered with the work.

It's hard enough to get anyone to make a new account for anything these days, much less an account that they don't understand.