You either love them, or you hate them. It's a band that provokes devotion and derision with equal ease and intensity. The laughs may come from their fantastic imagery and continuous defense of true metal, which at this point may sound outdated. But that is insignificant next to their greatness and worth in the world of heavy metal. Since their beginnings they have been a unique band. When they appeared with those clothes that made them look like extras from a Conan movie, few could compare to them, and not only at an aesthetic level.
Oles amas, o les odias. Es una banda que provoca devoción y mofas con la misma facilidad e intensidad. Las risas pueden llegar por su imagineria fantástica y continua defensa del verdadero metal, lo que a estas alturas puede sonar desfasado. Pero eso es insignificante al lado de su grandeza y valia dentro del mundo del heavy. Desde sus comienzos han sido una banda única. Cuando aparecieron con esas pintas que les hacían parecer extras de una peli de Conan, pocos podían comparárseles, y no solo a nivel estético.

They were one of the great pioneers of the introduction of warrior fables, medieval fights, swords and kings in the heavy music. But there is also the most important thing, the music. A combo that appeared in the Guinness Book of Records as the band that has played the loudest deserves the eternal respect of hard rock lovers. In Manowar there were excellent conditions from the beginning to become the phenomenon they are today: a great voice, that of Erick Adams, singer of exquisite vocal technique and overwhelming charisma, truly magical guitarists, a bassist and main composer of great creativity, Joey DeMaio, and a destroyer of drums like Scott Columbus, whose physical constitution alone imposes respect.
Fueron uno de los grandes pioneros de la introducción en el heavy de fabulas de guerreros, luchas medievales, espadas y reyes. Pero además esta lo mas importante, la música. Un combo que figuro en el libro Guiness de los Records como la banda que mas alto ha tocado merece es respeto eterno de los amantes del rock duro. En Manowar se dieron desde el principio condiciones excelentes para convertirse en el fenómeno que son hoy: una gran voz, la de Erick Adams, cantante de exquisita técnica vocal y arrollador carisma, guitarristas realmente mágicos, un bajista y principal compositor de gran creatividad, Joey DeMaio, y un destructor de bombos como Scott Columbus, cuya sola constitución física impone respeto.

Their albums with Ross The Boss have always been considered among the best of their career, especially the first ones. “Battle Hymns” was an incredible debut for which they counted with the collaboration of Orson Welles himself, narrator in the song ‘Dark Avenger’. In the second one, “Into Glory Ride”, with Columbus on board, they continued with their original sound for that time (1983).
Sus álbumes con Ross The Boss siempre se han considerado entre los mejores de su carrera, especialmente los primeros. “Battle Hymns” fue un increíble debut para el que contaron con la colaboración del mismísimo Orson Welles, narrador en el tema “Dark Avenger”. En el segundo, “Into Glory Ride”, ya con Columbus a bordo, continuaron con su originalismo sonido para la época (1983).

By then they released one album per year, and even in 1984 they released two, each one more brutal, “Hail To England”, recorded in only six days, and “Sign Of The Hammer”. Their releases became more and more spaced out, although at the end of the decade they released two of their key works, “Fighting The World”, which contained the hymnic “Carry On”, and their acclaimed “Kings Of Metal”, a clear definition of what Manowar had become: one of the most popular and powerful heavy metal bands, kings of the most authentic metal.
Por entonces facturaban un álbum por año, e incluso en 1984 publicaron dos, a cual de ellos mas brutal, “Hail To England”, grabado ¡en tan solo seis días!, y “Sign Of The Hammer”. Sus lanzamientos se han espaciado cada vez mas, aunque a finales de década publicaron dos de sus obras clave, “Fighting The World”, que contenía el hímnico “Carry On”, y su aclamado “Kings Of Metal”, clara definición de en lo que se habían convertido Manowar: una de las bandas mas populares y poderosas del heavy, reyes del metal mas autentico.

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