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RE: Cost of Living Crisis – A Collection of Symptoms caused by Serious Long-term Political Failure

in Economics2 years ago

I really appreciate this a lot which I believe a lot have been learnt. This is the first time I would be hearing the word stagflation and From the meaning so far I believe that is what is affecting the country I come from where inflation have taking over the economy and the high rate of unemployment increases on a daily basis which is terrible to experience and the government aren't doing anything about that which is really bad and definitely needs a change.


I have found most of the economic hardships currently being caused link back to Government actions. It is hard to find any Governments in the world that have consistently done a good job over the past 3 years.

This so call government are only after their personal pockets and don't care about the poor masses on how tgeyr surviving which is really increasing the rate of poverty on a daily basis.